Save the Elephants!
Every year, 35,000 elephants are slaughtered - just for their tusks. African elephants are now an endangered species on the brink of extinction. Help raise awareness and Save the Elephants!
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imma work on a story to spread the word :)

Thanks so much!!
on June 20, 2015
on June 20, 2015

I remember in Social Studies we dedicated a whole class to learn about this. Man, that was a sad class day...:((
on June 18, 2015

If I was rich, I would donate $1,000 if I could. But I don't. SAVE THE ELEPHANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:((:)<3
on June 17, 2015

i donate my allowance for them... no ownder i got no new headphones yet XD (its true though)

*applauds* Thank you so much! I haven't been able to because I haven't had the chance to ask my dad yet... But I will ask him ASAP so I can donate.
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015

The Nature Conservancy - #SaveElephants
We’ll show you what you can do – and we can do together – to keep elephants with us for a long time to come.
on June 16, 2015

Can you not donate? Here are some other ways you can help!

How to Help Elephants - World Elephant Day
Things you can do: Study elephants in their “keystone” role […]
on June 16, 2015

Make a Monthly Gift for Elephants & Other Species | World Wildlife Fund
WWF Make a Difference With a Monthly Donation One of the largest animals in the world, African elephants play a pivotal role in shaping their habitat; the presence of them helps to maintain suitable habitats for myriad other species. Today, African elephants are being slaughtered to meet a growing demand for illegal ivory, particularly from Asia, which has led to a surge in poaching. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed each year by wildlife criminals for their ivory. Your support has never been more important for our global conservation efforts. You can play a critical role in the fight to protect wildlife by symbolically adopting an elephant. Please donate monthly to help WWF protect wildlife and wild places around the world. Your Mo
on June 16, 2015

Save The Elephants
donate China Takes an Elephant Stride China Takes an Elephant Stride Friends of Elephants, You will have heard of China's astonishing vow to end the ivory trade within their borders. This, accompanied by yet MICHAEL NICHOLS / NATGEO To secure a future FOR ELEPHANTS... QI LIN ...and sustain the beauty and ECOLOGICAL INTEGRITY OF THE PLACES THEY LIVE... MICHAEL NICHOLS / NATGEO promote man's delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world... HILLARY HURT ...and to develop a TOLERANT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO SPECIES < > 1234 about us saving elephants news & publications e-news facebook youtube e-news facebook youtube ABOUT US OVERVIEW STAFF TRUSTEES PARTNERS FUNDING CAREERS CONTACT US SAVING ELEPHANTS PROTECTION Elephant Crisis Fund S
on June 16, 2015