Qfeast Theme Song Challenge
Every week, I will give you a competition to post a video on Qfeast. Example: A theme song for your pet. Then you will post the theme song lyric video for that. I might choose a video that I like most and give the Qfeaster who posted it a prize, but maybe not. Anyhow, let's get going!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Sia - Chandelier (Official Video)
SUBSCRIBE to Sia: http://bit.ly/1sudphS The official director's cut for "Chandelier" directed by Sia and Daniel Askill, featuring Maddie Ziegler of Dance Mom...

course i dont drink
on November 15, 2014
on November 15, 2014

I'm afraid I cannot participate in this week's challenge. I don't know which songs can portray my emotions in both categories! I WILL select two theme songs to show both, but I might not right away, sorry for any inconvenience. If you cannot find a song, you can compose two songs to portray your feelings toward your two emotions. Thank You!
- The Theme Song Queen
- The Theme Song Queen
on October 18, 2014

Winner of this week: @Fearless but @PikachuKetchum quickly comes in second place. These horrible stereotypes are very common. This week (Starting Oct. 26th) Is a theme song for your optimistic and pessimistic sides. Select a song to portray both...
- Theme Song Queen
- Theme Song Queen
on October 18, 2014

This makes girls seem like sex slaves for men...
PS: Robin Thicke, I don't want it....
This makes girls seem like sex slaves for men...
PS: Robin Thicke, I don't want it....

Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell
Watch the UNRATED version only on VEVO: http://vevo.ly/W0OCcA Download the album in US now! http://smarturl.it/BlurredAlbum Click here for a special customiz...

@Ravenclaw3243 Ikr @PikachuKetchum I hate this song! It's so stereotypical! i liked Pharrel until this! (Okay, I guess that isn't true...)
on October 18, 2014
on October 10, 2014

Britney Spears- Boys lyrics
HU Upload Sign in Search Loading... Choose your language. Close Learn more You're viewing YouTube in English (US). You can change this preference below. You're viewing YouTube in English. You can change this preference below. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue TV Queue Watch QueueTV Queue Remove all Disconnect Loading... Watch Queue TV Queue __count__/__total__ Britney Spears- Boys lyrics Angela PSubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 3,164 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... Add to Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Sign in Share More Report 562,478 1,012 Like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. Sign in 47 Don't like this video? Sign in to make your opinion count. Sign in Loading... Loading
on October 05, 2014

I honestly don't think this is true, it's terrible to stereotype that guys make girls cry and cheat and all that horrifying stuff. Not. True.
I honestly don't think this is true, it's terrible to stereotype that guys make girls cry and cheat and all that horrifying stuff. Not. True.
![Ciara like a boy [lyrics] Ciara like a boy [lyrics]](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/pp/mtrcCE.jpg)
on October 05, 2014

I hate that this is a traditional girls stereotype and boys think of us this way! Not. True!
I hate that this is a traditional girls stereotype and boys think of us this way! Not. True!

on October 05, 2014

This week, starting October 5th, is the week for a theme song following how each sex is stereotyped. Do a female one describing how boys think girls are, (but they aren't), or how girls think boys are. Thank You!
Theme Song Queen
Theme Song Queen
on October 05, 2014

Winner of this week: @Fearless Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole. Walk on the Water is really something I can relate to! Thank you for posting it.
on October 05, 2014

Seeing as I can't fall in love with people my own age, here is a song for me and Mika! :3

Cher Lloyd - I Wish (Lyrics)
I know I forgot the rap part but I couldn't find anything, and I didn't know what he was saying! I apologize! AND SORRY IF I MESSED UP I DID CHER'S PART BY M...
on September 29, 2014

Walk on the Water - Britt Nicole - Lyrics
This is a beautiful, touching song.. Another song that I heard on the Biggest Loser. My mom suggested that I make a video of it, like I did with "Proud." (= ...
on September 29, 2014

This is my song for the contest.
Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil
This is my song for the contest.
Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil

Pierce The Veil - Bulletproof Love • Lyric
I do not own this song. All the rights go to the owner(s) of the song. Thanks for watching this lyric video. Requests are always welcome! Special message • T...
on September 29, 2014

Lyrics to "Take A Hint" song by VICTORIOUS CAST: La la la la la la la La la la la la la la [Victoria:] Why am I always hit on by the boys I never li...
on September 29, 2014

I can't wait for the first contest!
on September 29, 2014

Hey, and thanks for joining! Competition for this week: Your theme song(s) and a song directed to anybody who has a crush on you/your crush about being a couple. Doesn't have to be positive, can be a video that's message is: Back off! or I want to remain friends. That's all.
- The Theme Song Queen
- The Theme Song Queen
on September 29, 2014