Blue's hangout page
If any of you guys just want to hang out, talk, post memes, whatever this is the place. Mostly this is for my friends but other people can join too.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on July 08, 2021


Lol it's been like a week since people were last on here-
Myself included @caligulasAquarium0
Myself included @caligulasAquarium0
on April 07, 2021
on April 07, 2021

on March 25, 2021

Ayumi why did you delete my comment!

There's no-one named ayumi on this page.
Your looking for my copycat, ayumithequizwhiz97 I believe.
Your looking for my copycat, ayumithequizwhiz97 I believe.
on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021

How is everyone?

on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021

on March 23, 2021