Sapphire's Q&A
I have not doe one of these in a while, so why not? :P Enjoy! Ask away! :3
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What Sonic couples are your favorites? my favorite Sonic couples are Sonic x Shadow,MephIles x Silver,Manic x Scourge,Fleetway x Scourge and Blaze x Amy
on February 09, 2021

what got your interest in Qfeast?

ok i sees your fist fandom was sanic and loove was your fav topic soo yous-a smwashed dem tpogether, am i corect?
on June 08, 2018

Oh that was just the first fandom I ever got properly into :P yeah I was a huge fan! I still am a fan but not as big as I was, I’m open to do other kinds of wwffys, but I’m not sure many people would take them ^.^U
on June 08, 2018

i love the topic of love and what makes the wwffys mostly sonic wwffys?do you like sonic?not as in the character i mean as in the franchize
on June 08, 2018
on April 30, 2018

What do you think about hyper and Jason also would you like to meet John and what got you into the sonic Fandom

1. Sapphire: They're cool! They're very...ugh...impulsive? I guess would be the word, but hey, i'll give anyone a chance!
2. Sapphire: John? Sure! I'm all up for meeting new people!
3. Me: Realistically? The WWFFYs XD Then I played the games, loved them, did a internets and boom, Sapphire was born...created....whatever XD
2. Sapphire: John? Sure! I'm all up for meeting new people!
3. Me: Realistically? The WWFFYs XD Then I played the games, loved them, did a internets and boom, Sapphire was born...created....whatever XD
on November 22, 2017
on November 02, 2017

Have you ever gone on a date with Domanic?
on August 21, 2015

When u created your oc domanic, did the domanic in real life help you?

This one, is actually a long story ^_^U I only had Sapphire at the time as a OC, so I wanted another. I thought since Sspphire is based of me I thought I should make a OC based off a close friend, Dom. So I made him and he found out about this website and saw that there was a Sonic chacture that was him XD it was very awkward to explain
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015

do u knowsao
on August 05, 2015