Rainbow Factory R.P
On this page you can be a Factory worker or a helpless filly/colt being taken to be turned ito rainbows! i will asighn somebody to Factory dash/rainbowdaash and pinkameana! enjoy!
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Can we get an F in the chat for our fallen childhood chat
on May 18, 2020

on July 04, 2017

dupey woop just stoppin this page from being purged
on March 02, 2017

Concussion: *watching over everybody*

on March 07, 2017

Concussion: *notices her at the last second* shiit! *attempts to use a mental attack on her*
on March 03, 2017
on December 06, 2016

Another maintenance post, the page will be deleted otherwise.
on November 28, 2016

on October 19, 2016

Name: Light bolt
Type: ( If worker- Pegasus Eath pony or unicorn if taken there you are a Pegasus who has failed the flight test)- Unicorn I guess..
Looks: yellow skin, black short mane, black short little tail, a black lightning strike sign, black or yellow wings, and brown eyes..
Personality: Energetic, challenging, sometimes feels disappointed, and a bit lonely
Gender: Male
Back story: Maybe later See More
Other: He is very fast at flying..
Name: Light bolt
Type: ( If worker- Pegasus Eath pony or unicorn if taken there you are a Pegasus who has failed the flight test)- Unicorn I guess..
Looks: yellow skin, black short mane, black short little tail, a black lightning strike sign, black or yellow wings, and brown eyes..
Personality: Energetic, challenging, sometimes feels disappointed, and a bit lonely
Gender: Male
Back story: Maybe later See More
Other: He is very fast at flying..

on September 13, 2016
on September 09, 2016

on September 09, 2016

Name: Honey drop
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Pegasus
Looks: pic
Personality: cheery, happy, scardy cat.
Gender: female
Age: 12
Backstory: she isn't a very strong flier and failed her flit test See More
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Pegasus
Looks: pic
Personality: cheery, happy, scardy cat.
Gender: female
Age: 12
Backstory: she isn't a very strong flier and failed her flit test See More
on September 09, 2016

Corrupt_Fil3: *wanders in search of any pony to play a game with* T-T-Tick, Tick, Tick, Poni3s can't hide from me~

Corrupt_Fil3: *side steps and drops axes* I have better things to do then this. *walks off*
Linus: *glitching and sparking* s-s-s-s-s-shit....ZeKiller? i-i-is that you?
Linus: *glitching and sparking* s-s-s-s-s-shit....ZeKiller? i-i-is that you?
on October 10, 2016

Corrupt_Fil3: *laughs and dodges* you have a long way until you catch up to my level! *summons his axe's twice as fast and easy swipes at Z3_K1LL3R*
on October 10, 2016

on October 10, 2016
on August 31, 2016

Angel: dum de dum de dum
Angel: dum de dum de dum
on June 30, 2016

RP anyone:

Angel: *runs off whispering an ancient curse* suddenly shouts: WAIT TILL FLUTTERSHY HEARS ABOUT YOU *Stops and smirks*
on April 11, 2016

on April 08, 2016
on March 17, 2016

Conncussion: *doin stuffz*
Conncussion: *doin stuffz*

Concussion: your not sorry, you're glad
group: *struggling*
Concussion: *to group * dont worry...you'll be helping us make rainbows !beautiful rainbows!
group: *struggling*
Concussion: *to group * dont worry...you'll be helping us make rainbows !beautiful rainbows!
on March 07, 2016

Echo:*looks up and starts pushing them towards it* im sorry........you'll be with your brother tho..
on March 07, 2016
on February 26, 2016

Latin & Linus: *trapped inside the factory*

on September 16, 2016

Reptile:but...something smells funny *sniffs and gasps* they're near us!!! hide!!! *has regained energy, turns into skink and hides*
on September 15, 2016

L1-Nus: *walks on ahead to set up the trap*
Corrupt_Fil3: *still searching*
Corrupt_Fil3: *still searching*
on September 09, 2016

L1-Nus: *follows while holding a wire trap to set up* *hums Monster by The Automatic*
on September 09, 2016
on February 24, 2016