Rainbow Factory R.P
On this page you can be a Factory worker or a helpless filly/colt being taken to be turned ito rainbows! i will asighn somebody to Factory dash/rainbowdaash and pinkameana! enjoy!
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Can we get an F in the chat for our fallen childhood chat
on July 17, 2020
on May 18, 2020
on July 04, 2017
on July 04, 2017
dupey woop just stoppin this page from being purged
on March 03, 2017
on March 02, 2017
Concussion: *watching over everybody*
on March 28, 2017
on March 07, 2017
on March 07, 2017
on March 03, 2017
Concussion: *notices her at the last second* shiit! *attempts to use a mental attack on her*
on March 03, 2017
on December 06, 2016
Another maintenance post, the page will be deleted otherwise.
on November 28, 2016
on October 19, 2016
Name: Light bolt
Type: ( If worker- Pegasus Eath pony or unicorn if taken there you are a Pegasus who has failed the flight test)- Unicorn I guess..
Looks: yellow skin, black short mane, black short little tail, a black lightning strike sign, black or yellow wings, and brown eyes..
Personality: Energetic, challenging, sometimes feels disappointed, and a bit lonely
Gender: Male
Back story: Maybe later See More
Other: He is very fast at flying..
Name: Light bolt
Type: ( If worker- Pegasus Eath pony or unicorn if taken there you are a Pegasus who has failed the flight test)- Unicorn I guess..
Looks: yellow skin, black short mane, black short little tail, a black lightning strike sign, black or yellow wings, and brown eyes..
Personality: Energetic, challenging, sometimes feels disappointed, and a bit lonely
Gender: Male
Back story: Maybe later See More
Other: He is very fast at flying..
on September 13, 2016
on September 09, 2016
on September 09, 2016
Name: Honey drop
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Pegasus
Looks: pic
Personality: cheery, happy, scardy cat.
Gender: female
Age: 12
Backstory: she isn't a very strong flier and failed her flit test See More
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Pegasus
Looks: pic
Personality: cheery, happy, scardy cat.
Gender: female
Age: 12
Backstory: she isn't a very strong flier and failed her flit test See More
on September 09, 2016
Corrupt_Fil3: *wanders in search of any pony to play a game with* T-T-Tick, Tick, Tick, Poni3s can't hide from me~
Corrupt_Fil3: *side steps and drops axes* I have better things to do then this. *walks off*
Linus: *glitching and sparking* s-s-s-s-s-shit....ZeKiller? i-i-is that you?
Linus: *glitching and sparking* s-s-s-s-s-shit....ZeKiller? i-i-is that you?
on October 10, 2016
Corrupt_Fil3: *laughs and dodges* you have a long way until you catch up to my level! *summons his axe's twice as fast and easy swipes at Z3_K1LL3R*
on October 10, 2016
on October 10, 2016
on October 10, 2016
on August 31, 2016
Angel: dum de dum de dum
Angel: dum de dum de dum
on August 31, 2016
on June 30, 2016
RP anyone:
Angel: *runs off whispering an ancient curse* suddenly shouts: WAIT TILL FLUTTERSHY HEARS ABOUT YOU *Stops and smirks*
on April 11, 2016
on April 11, 2016
on April 11, 2016
on April 10, 2016
on April 08, 2016
on March 17, 2016
Conncussion: *doin stuffz*
Conncussion: *doin stuffz*
on June 29, 2016
on June 21, 2016
on March 07, 2016
Concussion: your not sorry, you're glad
group: *struggling*
Concussion: *to group * dont worry...you'll be helping us make rainbows !beautiful rainbows!
group: *struggling*
Concussion: *to group * dont worry...you'll be helping us make rainbows !beautiful rainbows!
on March 07, 2016
Echo:*looks up and starts pushing them towards it* im sorry........you'll be with your brother tho..
on March 07, 2016
on February 26, 2016
Latin & Linus: *trapped inside the factory*
on September 16, 2016
Reptile:but...something smells funny *sniffs and gasps* they're near us!!! hide!!! *has regained energy, turns into skink and hides*
on September 15, 2016
on September 15, 2016
L1-Nus: *walks on ahead to set up the trap*
Corrupt_Fil3: *still searching*
Corrupt_Fil3: *still searching*
on September 09, 2016
L1-Nus: *follows while holding a wire trap to set up* *hums Monster by The Automatic*
on September 09, 2016
on February 24, 2016