Rainbow Factory R.P
On this page you can be a Factory worker or a helpless filly/colt being taken to be turned ito rainbows! i will asighn somebody to Factory dash/rainbowdaash and pinkameana! enjoy!
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on December 03, 2015

Mala: *pushes the button, watches as it sucked out the blood from the pegasus, watching calmly and pain filled in her eyes.*

on December 04, 2015

Ash: I see . . .
Mala: Why do you need to stay here? . . .
Ash: *flashes red eyes at Mala.*
Mala: . . .
Ash: Just get out of here . . . Unless you want to meet . . . Him . . . *walks away.* See More
Mala: Hey! Get back here! . . .
Ash: And who says? . . .
Mala: Why do you need to stay here? . . .
Ash: *flashes red eyes at Mala.*
Mala: . . .
Ash: Just get out of here . . . Unless you want to meet . . . Him . . . *walks away.* See More
Mala: Hey! Get back here! . . .
Ash: And who says? . . .
on December 04, 2015

Mala: Who are you? . . .
Ash: Name is Ash . . . I know you guys well, even Dash here and her insane mane six friends . . .
Mala: . . .
Ash: So, what are you four doing here? . . .
Mala: Checking this place out, now how did you get here? . . . See More
Ash: *shakes head.* Sadly, I can only say I have to stay in here . . .
Ash: Name is Ash . . . I know you guys well, even Dash here and her insane mane six friends . . .
Mala: . . .
Ash: So, what are you four doing here? . . .
Mala: Checking this place out, now how did you get here? . . . See More
Ash: *shakes head.* Sadly, I can only say I have to stay in here . . .
on December 04, 2015

???: What do we have here? . . . Rainbow dash, Blue Bolt, Crystal, and- *looks a bit surprised at Mala.* Mala . . .
on December 04, 2015
on December 02, 2015

Name: Hala
Type: Worker-Pegasus
Looks: Pic
Personality: Quiet, pained, so sorry, upset, sad, mostly sad then happy as the other Pegasus' try to make her happy.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Backstory: Lost family, and Dash took her in because she seemed . . . Different then the other workers, which she is . . . She does have a dark side, worse then Dash herself because her father is a very dark pegasus, but she got her kind side from her good mother. See More
Other: She is very different then any other pony . . . And probably won't find happiness with how sad she is to kill these ponies, but her dark side feats on killing more without mercy or care.
Type: Worker-Pegasus
Looks: Pic
Personality: Quiet, pained, so sorry, upset, sad, mostly sad then happy as the other Pegasus' try to make her happy.
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Backstory: Lost family, and Dash took her in because she seemed . . . Different then the other workers, which she is . . . She does have a dark side, worse then Dash herself because her father is a very dark pegasus, but she got her kind side from her good mother. See More
Other: She is very different then any other pony . . . And probably won't find happiness with how sad she is to kill these ponies, but her dark side feats on killing more without mercy or care.
on December 02, 2015

Name: Echo
Type: worker-pegasus
Looks: I'll post a pic
Personality: used to be nice then she started working in the rainbow factory and became mean, dont make her mad
Gender: female
Age: 17
Backstory: was always suicidal but after she passed the flight she became less and less suicidal. She found out about the rainbow factory when she was still a filly and was scared of it but now she works there See More
Other: dont know yet, still working on it
Type: worker-pegasus
Looks: I'll post a pic
Personality: used to be nice then she started working in the rainbow factory and became mean, dont make her mad
Gender: female
Age: 17
Backstory: was always suicidal but after she passed the flight she became less and less suicidal. She found out about the rainbow factory when she was still a filly and was scared of it but now she works there See More
Other: dont know yet, still working on it
on December 02, 2015

Starting R.P
Concussion: *getting drunk on apple cider*
Concussion: *getting drunk on apple cider*
on December 02, 2015

Name: Concussion
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Worker- Pegusus,
Looks: my profile pic
Personality: usaly angry but funny when he feels like it, a biit crazy
Gender: male
Age: 16
Backstory: was allways suicidle and failed the flight test on pupose even thouh he was one of the best and R.D saw that and rescued him, i actualy have a detailed story of what happened in my head but ant be bothered See More to write it. he is now second in command
Other: he has the ability to knock people out with his mind but it can knock him out and give him cunncussion (hence the name)
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test): Worker- Pegusus,
Looks: my profile pic
Personality: usaly angry but funny when he feels like it, a biit crazy
Gender: male
Age: 16
Backstory: was allways suicidle and failed the flight test on pupose even thouh he was one of the best and R.D saw that and rescued him, i actualy have a detailed story of what happened in my head but ant be bothered See More to write it. he is now second in command
Other: he has the ability to knock people out with his mind but it can knock him out and give him cunncussion (hence the name)
on December 02, 2015

Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test):
Age: See More
Type (if worker- Pegasus, eath pony or unicorn and if taken there you are a pegusus who has failed the flight test):
Age: See More
on December 02, 2015
(sorry i was gone for so long)