Club for twilight fans only!! SO IF YOU ARE A TWILIGHT FAN DON'T FORGET TO JOIN!!!

Team Jacob

Excuse me, but I belive that Team Guy-who-almost-ran-Bella-over-with-a-car is the best. @tenda @shez.noor @Thehost
on November 02, 2014
on January 27, 2014

this club rules....
on September 29, 2013

For those who haven't read the last book(Breaking Dawn), a little fact:
Ever wondered why Marcus seems so disinterested throughout the movie, the reason is he used to love Aro's sister Didyme, whom Aro killed (Marcus don't know he did it, of course) . So you all know now why I hate Aro so much.
Ever wondered why Marcus seems so disinterested throughout the movie, the reason is he used to love Aro's sister Didyme, whom Aro killed (Marcus don't know he did it, of course) . So you all know now why I hate Aro so much.
on September 23, 2013

if you could be any character in the movie who would you be?
on August 16, 2013

on August 03, 2013

who is your favorite and least favorite character? B)

Yes & thats what makes him interesting,B) he has different theories you know what i mean?!
on October 18, 2013

Yes, he is shiz noor. Do you know he killed his own sister because she was in love with Marcus
on October 13, 2013
on July 11, 2013

Okay, so in case, any twihard missed it. There is a novella in the series named 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner'. And if you are wondering who is Bree, Bree was the newborn vampire in Riley's army in Eclipse who surrendered to the Cullens and was killed by Jane.
I think you should give it a read. It will make you feel sorry for the newborns .
I think you should give it a read. It will make you feel sorry for the newborns .
on July 06, 2013

Phew some people are back.....;)
on July 01, 2013

Sorry I wasn't around much. So, which book do you liked the most in the twilight series? And which movie was the best in your opinion?

im not sure which book or movie is my favourite but new moon is my least favourite I cried and through a stage of depression when Edward left:(( it was way too upsetting HE LEFT HER IN THE WOODS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND THEN TRIED TO GET HIMSELF KILLED:((:(
on August 07, 2013

I like your opinion, guys. But I don't think it would ever be decide which book or movie is the best. Twilight(Book 1) is so romantic, New Moon has the most emotional, Eclipse has the most action, and Breaking Dawn has the most suspense.
on July 06, 2013
on June 27, 2013

Are twilight fans still out there? no one seems to post anything nowadays!:(
on June 14, 2013

How Twilight Should Have Ended - Bonus Scene_HD
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
on May 29, 2013

Do you think it should have ended that way FOR TWILIGHT???

How Twilight Should Have Ended
What if Edward had made that fateful decision another way? Here's how we think it should have played (plus a cameo from another favorite)! Check out our webs...
on May 29, 2013

Do you think it should have ended that way???

How Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Should Have Ended
HISHE kicks off the new year with the conclusion to the epic franchise in: How Twilight Breaking Dawn Should Have Ended. Whether you're on Team Edward or Tea...
on May 29, 2013

The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Shield Training
Very Awesome Scene!
on May 29, 2013

Behind the Scenes...TWILIGHT!!!
this behind the scenes of twilight..i give all credit to!!!
on May 28, 2013