That moment when you have a mini heart attack when you are about to pee and there's a spider on the bathroom wall.
Those awkward moments in life when everyone can relate to them. Oh yes; I could write a book full of them!

That awkward moment when you get a 44 on a math test and you know your screwed
on December 22, 2013

That awkward moment when the teacher joins in on your conversation

my teacher is cool. she always does that in fact we invite her!! ps. u changed ur username back;)
on December 22, 2013
on December 22, 2013

I would like to say a MASSIVE THANKYOU to all of my members and subscribers, you lot have made this page a big success! If you aren't already, and you have an annoying brothers and/or sisters, why not join my annoying siblings page!
on December 19, 2013

when your crush waves at you and you turn around and there's a girl behind you.
on August 31, 2013

When you show your best friend 'the weirdo at the bus stop' from yesterday and tell them not to stare, 5 seconds later hey have a stiff neck.
on August 18, 2013

on August 18, 2013

When you are fighting for the TV remote with your sibling and it smashes on the floor and nobody can watch what they want.
on August 18, 2013

Making your pet walk round with you when you've watched a scary movie.
on August 18, 2013

When you shout at the TV because the people in Emmerdale aren't doing what you would have done in that situation.
on August 18, 2013

Swaying side by side whilst playing Mario Kart.
on August 18, 2013

When you smash your DS t pieces whilst playing Mario Kart because you get over taken by Yoshi

I know right! im usually toad but he's gone well slow the last few times so im Yoshi now :)
on December 19, 2013
on August 18, 2013

When your friends see you at the shop and say 'what are you doing here?', you say ' oh you know, just catching elephants'.
on August 18, 2013

When you run up the stairs so no one kills you.
on August 17, 2013

That moment in PE when someone throws the ball and it hits you on the head and everyone is asking you 'are you alright?' when really you want to sink into the ground and cry!
on August 17, 2013

ok so I walked into my dads car to get his candy and my dad had a knife and tried to look like jeff the killer, and when I came in he said "go to sleep" and I was SOOO scared I almost kicked him in the ballz! can anyone realate to that?

haha my dad once we were watching chainsaw massacre and because my dad has his own workshop (garage) he came in with a mask and a chainsaw I nearly screamed!
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013

That mini heart attack you have when you are about to fall asleep and you get that strange falling sensation that makes you jerk wide awake. Who can relate?

gosh that always happens to me, I hate dolls, mirrors, clowns, ghosts, anything that falls of in the night it all plays on your mind and you see them!
on August 17, 2013

It's horrible how at night, when you close your eyes to go to sleep, how all of the scary things in your mind decide to keep you awake.X-(
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013

When you're switching the taps on ready for a bath and your brother thinks it's funny to push you in.
on August 17, 2013

When you finally get your cat to sit on your knee and your parents tell you to put the kettle on.
on August 17, 2013