That moment when you have a mini heart attack when you are about to pee and there's a spider on the bathroom wall.
Those awkward moments in life when everyone can relate to them. Oh yes; I could write a book full of them!

That awkward moment when your parents come into your room and say 'we need to have a chat'.

ha lol my parents usually talk me out of smoking, letting people take advantage, when ive heard it a million times before!
on August 17, 2013

Haha, yeah, those are the dreaded 6 words! When someone says that, all of the things I've done wrong in like the past 10 years flash before my eyes, thinking; *Crap, what did they find out about?!*
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013

on August 17, 2013

When someone that thinks your their friend texts you and asks 'what are you doing on Saturday'. You reply, 'oh sorry going to my nans'. 5 minutes later, 'how about Monday?' You then have to negotiate your way out of the whole week day by day.
on August 17, 2013

When you force yourself out of bed in the morning zombiefied and you scare yourself half to death with your own reflection in the mirror.
on August 17, 2013

When someone asks you, 'are you alright' or how are you doing?'. When it's freakin' obvious you're not going to stand there going through your problems.

i know i have people i know that do that a lot.. like i'll just be sitting in my own little world just day dreaming and they'll come up to me and say "hey mary is everything ok? You looked depressed." and i'm just thinking "wow thanks for the compliment."
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013

That heart stopping moment when the hoover with a coat placed on top of it on the landing looks like a person.
on August 17, 2013

Welcome Mary_chan!
on August 17, 2013