Teen quotes!!
Who has evr gone on facebook, twitter tumblr or google whatever, and seen a teen quote that they could really relate to? C'mon, I've seen sooo much. Post ur fave or best teen quotes here, or even da funniest x I'm also making dis fing called the quote game. Someone asks yhuu a question and then you answer it using a quote. E.G. What frustrates you da most? I'm getting bare excited to watch a movie in the cinema, popcorn in hand and then BOOM human giraffe sits in front of me. HAHAHHAHA :))))

I don't know which text is worse comin from my boyfriend
I want to break up with you
OR See More
I want to break up with you
Sorry wrong number
who gets it?
I want to break up with you
OR See More
I want to break up with you
Sorry wrong number
who gets it?

yep frst one hes breakkin up wid u second 1 he was dumpin the grl but he was basically cheatin on u
on November 22, 2013

Omg i totes get it!
on November 22, 2013

Unfortunately dis happened 2 me
on November 09, 2013

on October 27, 2013
on October 20, 2013

Qoute: "HEY, it's been forever, let's chill!" "No, it's been forever for a reason." Lol
on October 06, 2013

Random quote: Good girls are bad girls who never get caught :)

I would agree with that quote to some extent...some people are just naturally sneaky--like me! :p Nobody would suspect me, but I'm an evil genius!
on September 23, 2013
on September 22, 2013

That moment when someone calls your best friend their best friend. *angry face*
on September 17, 2013

I didn't know what to write so POTATO :(
on September 17, 2013

I know this isn't a teen quote but I just made it up, so pls tell me what you think of it in the comments.
"If i was about to die and i could talk to any celebrity i wanted to, I'd talk to my mom." :)
"If i was about to die and i could talk to any celebrity i wanted to, I'd talk to my mom." :)
on September 07, 2013

Qoute of the day: I hate it in scary movies when the person yells out "HELLO?" as if the killers gonna be like "Yeh i'm in the kitchen, want a sandwhich?"
post ur fave quotes of da day
post ur fave quotes of da day

on September 07, 2013
on September 07, 2013

That moment when someone reminds the teacher that we had homework...
actually, dat happnd last week
actually, dat happnd last week

Ikr, I didn't do my homework and then this girl named Jana (nobody in the class likes her) she told the Maths teacher that we had homework and he asked what? And she told him the page and then he told us to get our books out!
on September 07, 2013
on September 07, 2013

that akward moment when someone is being sarcastic and u believe dem ....xx

http://www.qfeast.com/question/3727/Is-it-ok-for-an-11-year-old-girl-to-be-vegetarian (look 4 my comment)
on September 17, 2013

FAIRSTLY, I TOLD DA GIRL DAT MEAT HELPS U GROW, SO WAIT A YEAR OR 2, DEN SHE WAS COMMENTING ABT HOW IT WASNT TRUU (whoops sorry caps :p) and the girl that I was helping was commenting stuff like "YEH! GOOD! I COULDNT WAIT 2 FUSGIN YEARS" Blah blah blah blah blah, do u kno what its too long, i'll post a link to the page :) look for my comment
on September 17, 2013

somfin to persuade a 11 year old grl to become a vegan den sayin she was a vegetarian at 3 years old which is obvs not true den pickin on us and bein rude for statin facts DEN blockin us and reportin us xxx
on September 17, 2013
on September 07, 2013

The moment when you finish a tv series and you don't know what to do with your life anymore.
on September 06, 2013

I always seem to want the things I KNOW I can never have :( cnt blame me xx
on August 27, 2013

I like this one: The moment when they're about to announce the winner of a tv show and BAM... Commercial :)
on August 27, 2013

that akward moment when your virtual life is better than ur real life :* xx
on August 17, 2013

Qoute for the day
Parents expect there chıldren to be all good when
cınderella came home at mıdnıght
Aladdın ıs the kıng of theıves
Snow whıte lıves wıth 7 men
pınochıa lıes all the tıme
batman drıves at 300kmh See More
jasmıne goes around half dressed
sleepıng beauty ıs lazy
LOLLL take that dad u strıct hoe xx
sned member requests plz I lu u all xx
Parents expect there chıldren to be all good when
cınderella came home at mıdnıght
Aladdın ıs the kıng of theıves
Snow whıte lıves wıth 7 men
pınochıa lıes all the tıme
batman drıves at 300kmh See More
jasmıne goes around half dressed
sleepıng beauty ıs lazy
LOLLL take that dad u strıct hoe xx
sned member requests plz I lu u all xx
on August 09, 2013

When you laugh and no sound comes out, so you just sit there clapping like a retarted seal. XD loled so hard with this one!!
on August 04, 2013

If I had a dollar for everytime someone told me i was pretty
I would have exactly 1$.. thanks mom.
I hate how spiders just hang out on the walls
and act like they pay rent.
Don't judge me for what I've done a few seconds ago! See More
I've changed since back then.
We are the WTF generation
I would have exactly 1$.. thanks mom.
I hate how spiders just hang out on the walls
and act like they pay rent.
Don't judge me for what I've done a few seconds ago! See More
I've changed since back then.
We are the WTF generation
on August 02, 2013

Funniest quote for the day.
Girl1: What did one ocean say to the other.
Girl2: Wot?
Girl1: Nothing, they just waved.
Girl2: Oh.
Girl1: You SEA what I did there?
Girl2: No. See More
Girl1: Are you shore?
Girl2: Do you have any friends?
Girl1: You beach.
Girl1: What did one ocean say to the other.
Girl2: Wot?
Girl1: Nothing, they just waved.
Girl2: Oh.
Girl1: You SEA what I did there?
Girl2: No. See More
Girl1: Are you shore?
Girl2: Do you have any friends?
Girl1: You beach.
on August 02, 2013

Llolll, my true quote for the day:
Why is it so hard for women to find kind, sensitive, caring and good looking men these days? Because those men already have boyfriends. x
Why is it so hard for women to find kind, sensitive, caring and good looking men these days? Because those men already have boyfriends. x
on August 02, 2013