Official RBR page!
Hey RBR's... Welcome to the official RBR page! We've been waiting for pages FOR AGES and now they've finally come! C'mon RBR's... join, join, join!!

"@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army :/ EMERGENCY THIS IS AN EMERGENCY Dx "@RainbowzMurderYou" is forming a Hater army to destroy the RBR's and is trying to get everyone "on her/his side" -.- ???? What the what is wrong with this hater!?!?!? Dx

on July 27, 2013
on July 26, 2013

Hey guys I don't know if you already know, you probably know, but Iampretty is back on qfeast on her original account. She's apologising but last time that happened it turns out she was lying and went back to hating. Don't try and start anything like yelling at her, because she might suddenly start hating. just a heads up!!!
on July 20, 2013

join shygirls page in memory of lesbogal2 she killed her self we didnt give her a chance look on her wall

still the rbrs wanted he to get off the site or stop hating on people we didnt want her to kill herself and its still pretty sad no matter who she is
on September 27, 2013

.... S-s-sucide... :(( What...? Oh my gawd... actual suicide!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHYYYY!?!?!?! ;~; Why did she commit suicide... Oh gawd this is something very deep. How did she commit suicide?
on July 26, 2013
on July 01, 2013

new hater!!!!! she is insulting people and threatening people!!! user name:lesbogal and lesbogal2
on July 01, 2013

Hello R.B.RS potterpox here! New hater TaylorSwift lets do this thing!

on June 26, 2013
on June 26, 2013

I think Iampretty may be back. I looked at my followers, pulled up a guy, and there was a post by Iamprettysspirt, who joined 313 days ago. It was posted 4 hours ago as of 3:00 Eastern time

Taylor swift is a hater. Go onto her page and scroll down and you'll see a lot of cusses. CM(wChubby Monkey) you know what I'm talking about
on June 25, 2013
on June 22, 2013

I FOUND A NEW HATER craft99ful was being mean to this girl.

on June 22, 2013
on June 15, 2013

No new haters, but shugochara111 likes forty seven animes omg my hero

Omg omg omg! Pray for plagues is a hater, she made a quiz that says you are an imbecile if you like pop music!
on June 13, 2013
on June 13, 2013

Hey guys, I think sassybeth might be a hater, she told Cosette that les mis sucked, and left a rude comment on potterpox's quiz...
on June 01, 2013

Princess cloe called silent hoe a loser buti can't find her account. Where is it?

on June 14, 2013
on May 29, 2013

Zendayacoleman is a new fake here, should we report her?
on May 28, 2013

Guys, if you look at some of the comments, I'm spotting a new hater: PrincessChloe

I think the comment has been removed. ;)
And anyway, AllyMislan joined like 752 days ago, she isn't online much anymore. Now to Temptation14!
And anyway, AllyMislan joined like 752 days ago, she isn't online much anymore. Now to Temptation14!
on May 28, 2013

OK, yes I am aware of PrincessChloe, I will check the new quiz right now! OK, I'll also check that question to find Temptation14. I thought she was a good guy. xD Thanks for your alerts.
on May 28, 2013

Temptation 14! She's a hater calling a person who asked when did you have your first boyfriend ugly!
on May 28, 2013
on May 27, 2013

brony4life36 in a hater. they are saying RBR is weak and hateing on Sorrine on lunapies profile pictures.
on May 27, 2013

Wait... If we hate haters... DOES THAT MAKE US HATERS TO THEM?!
on May 22, 2013

Okay... I have come to the conclusion that Alice101 is a hater. Hence her page, xXXSilentHopeXX is a Loser. The description of this page has her confession in it. We must act before her hating get's out of contro, which it may aswell has.

u know what princess chloe. i dont give a f*ck about what u say. and btw its silent HOPE not hoe and if u are trying to call her a wh*re but with that sucky slang then spell it right u idiot. -_-
on June 12, 2013

Hey, princess cloe don't become a hater yourself, we are just warning other people of bullies and to be careful, okay? Who cares that her writing may not be great(I haven't read hers yet) its the thought that counts
on May 28, 2013

I hope alice does smash her face with a vase because seriously, look at her! She's ugly as Hell and she calls herself a writer? This girl thinks she's better than everyone else....including all of you? Please. Talk to the hand. Go ahead and continuing being her freind
on May 22, 2013
on May 21, 2013

Is Catoandclove a hater? He called me a sea hag and copied my pic...suspicious
on May 11, 2013

Has anyone seen what Alice101 has been saying to people? Look at HellRaiserPrincess's story "death" one of alice101's questions, and the last page of comments on the story "A Poem For Sorinne". she's very rude to others and i dont know why we havnt seen this so much or talked about it much. she also called quddicthwitch a s!*t
on May 10, 2013

on May 03, 2013

Hi guys. I'm just really fed up with these haters. I believe though that they are not different people. It is the same person who is bullying IceCat and XxXSilentHopeXxX. I also believe it is a Qfeaster. I think it was Catesonkates that told me that Harry.Loves.Me that she knew someone called Maria Johnson and shortly after that MariaJohson52 & 53 came to Qfeast. It's one of you. I just don't know who.
on April 30, 2013