Niall Horan
Hey! It's Katie here! I'm doing this page because I luv Niall Horan! And just so u know he has confirmed that he is NOT dating Zoe Whelan or Louise Thompson, so he is single!!!! And this is my first page so I am sorry if its bad Please no hate :)

Who is your fav and you can't say nial

Oops when I said moll I meant lol
on June 18, 2013

Uh we'll it WOULD be niall...moll but since it can't then.... Louis
on June 18, 2013

lol cool
on June 16, 2013

awwww then ummmm mine is liam i guess
on June 15, 2013
on June 08, 2013
Check out that one direction fansite!
Check out that one direction fansite!

ONE DIRECTION • | The Best One Direction Fansite on the Web
The best source for everything One Direction on the web, providing you with the latest news, photos, videos, and etc.
on June 08, 2013

is his fave color blue or green? everybody says somthing different! haha oh nialler
on May 29, 2013