Asylum RP
Come to the Hansfield Rehabilitation Center for those with Disorders or more properly known as the Hansfield Asylum. If you feel crazy, this is the place to be.
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Dr. Daniella: *pushing a cart with medical supplies on it through the hall*
on March 08, 2015

Name: Adriana
Age: 15 1/2
Disorder: Insane, multiple Personalities, memory loss problems
Job: patient. (she can help with other patients if asked.
Family: None
Backstory: As a child (around 8-9) her family was killed. She was adopted by a scientist who did a lot of experiments on her. years later when she was about 13-14, Adriana turned to cannibalism and went by the name Anna Hearts. She turned her hair black, her teeth were sharper, and her eyes went to an icy blue color. See More The scientist went insane and started doing dangerous experiments on the kids, which eventually caused they to rise against him and kill him. After killing the scientist, and about a year of killing and being a cannibal she went back to her normal self and was taken to the asylum just so she could recover. She also has multiple personalities that bother her.
Extra: since she was a killer and a cannibal and went insane, after she went to her normal self she still had some moments where she would kill or have the need to kill and have blood. sometimes she also cannot control her personalities. She also regrets everything she did in the insane period of her life and rarely talks about it. She is also half demon.
Age: 15 1/2
Disorder: Insane, multiple Personalities, memory loss problems
Job: patient. (she can help with other patients if asked.
Family: None
Backstory: As a child (around 8-9) her family was killed. She was adopted by a scientist who did a lot of experiments on her. years later when she was about 13-14, Adriana turned to cannibalism and went by the name Anna Hearts. She turned her hair black, her teeth were sharper, and her eyes went to an icy blue color. See More The scientist went insane and started doing dangerous experiments on the kids, which eventually caused they to rise against him and kill him. After killing the scientist, and about a year of killing and being a cannibal she went back to her normal self and was taken to the asylum just so she could recover. She also has multiple personalities that bother her.
Extra: since she was a killer and a cannibal and went insane, after she went to her normal self she still had some moments where she would kill or have the need to kill and have blood. sometimes she also cannot control her personalities. She also regrets everything she did in the insane period of her life and rarely talks about it. She is also half demon.
on March 08, 2015

Name: Jo Grymes
Age: 16
Disorder: ADHD, Mental illness, Dementia, Amnesia
Job: Patient
Family: None.... That's alive C:
Backstory: She can't remember, but in her files it says she accidentally murdered her family. The crime was pardoned because of her illnesses and instead she was sent to the Asylum
Extra: .-. See More
Name: Dr. Daniella Clarke
Age: 27
Disorder: None
Job: Doctor
Family: Two brothers and a cat named Humphrey
Backstory: TBD
Extra: N/A
Age: 16
Disorder: ADHD, Mental illness, Dementia, Amnesia
Job: Patient
Family: None.... That's alive C:
Backstory: She can't remember, but in her files it says she accidentally murdered her family. The crime was pardoned because of her illnesses and instead she was sent to the Asylum
Extra: .-. See More
Name: Dr. Daniella Clarke
Age: 27
Disorder: None
Job: Doctor
Family: Two brothers and a cat named Humphrey
Backstory: TBD
Extra: N/A
on March 08, 2015

(anyone can Join)
Kalie: *sitting, staring at the wall*
Kalie: *sitting, staring at the wall*
on March 02, 2015

Name: Kalie Grayson
Age: 14
Disorder: Dyslexia, Schizophrenia, and ADD
Job: patient
Family: None they died in a fire she started
Backstory: She had a pretty good family but when she was 6 she was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADD. she started being picked on for them and often talked to herself. then the doctors diagnosed her with Schizophrenia and she slowly went insane because of the teasing. then one day when she was 7 she had a panic attack and her family tried to calm her See More down but she tried to attack them with a lighter accidentally setting her house on fire killing her family. she barely got out of the fire alive and when she say the fire she went completely insane. When the police arrived and found out about her condition they sent her to Hansfield Rehabilitation Center and forgot about her.
Extra: she has a hallucination that she thinks is a real person. the hallucination is named Max and she says is her age.
Age: 14
Disorder: Dyslexia, Schizophrenia, and ADD
Job: patient
Family: None they died in a fire she started
Backstory: She had a pretty good family but when she was 6 she was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADD. she started being picked on for them and often talked to herself. then the doctors diagnosed her with Schizophrenia and she slowly went insane because of the teasing. then one day when she was 7 she had a panic attack and her family tried to calm her See More down but she tried to attack them with a lighter accidentally setting her house on fire killing her family. she barely got out of the fire alive and when she say the fire she went completely insane. When the police arrived and found out about her condition they sent her to Hansfield Rehabilitation Center and forgot about her.
Extra: she has a hallucination that she thinks is a real person. the hallucination is named Max and she says is her age.
on March 02, 2015

Name: Lucifer Williams
Disorder: no one knows for sure
Job: patient
Family: mother died, father disappeared
Backstory: he has powers and acciented used it o his mom making her crazy. she died and they thought to was passed down. he soon went crazy from being stuck in a staightjacket
Extra: he has powers and wings he keeps hindin
Disorder: no one knows for sure
Job: patient
Family: mother died, father disappeared
Backstory: he has powers and acciented used it o his mom making her crazy. she died and they thought to was passed down. he soon went crazy from being stuck in a staightjacket
Extra: he has powers and wings he keeps hindin
on February 28, 2015

It's been weeks and the Italian stood outside of his house, surprised no one has came looking for him to take him back to the asylum. He sat down as he pulled his glass of wine to himself, taking a sip as his cat hopped into his lap and purrs. He reached down and starts to pet it before a long sigh left him, soon looking up to the cloudy sky as he frowned griefly to thought. "They'll be back some time... And I will be taken back to go through much more pain. But why me..?" He See More asked himself to why no one believed him, no one believed a word he normally says. "Humans... So despicable and useless..." He then hid his face into his hands and started to cry. "They never understand! They only want war and greed! FILTHY PESTS!" He trembled lightly as he continued to cry, is location being in Venice, Italy now.

The male then looked over to her as he smiled a little bit, "Do you wish to jump into another dimension with me? You'll get to see my other persona if so."
on April 10, 2015

Lily:*tilts her head, eyes running over every detail*
*gives a tiny little wave, waiting for a response*
*gives a tiny little wave, waiting for a response*
on April 10, 2015

He continued down the stairs as he looked over his shoulder to her, "Any of the countries, they all thought the rift was destroyed but a slight sliver still remained," he then stepped onto the ground and walks over to the wall, grabbing a cloth and pulls it off and this purplish blue tear was in the concrete wall.
on April 06, 2015

Lily:*closes the door with a click* From who? *walking down to him, steps echoing in stone*
on April 05, 2015

He stopped and turned to look up at her, "If anyone finds out about this rift then I could get in serious trouble.."
on February 28, 2015
on November 20, 2014

Lily:*running full pelt up to the gate, jamming the key in the lock and careering round the gate*
*grabbing his arm and dragging Inezia after her, not bothering with an explanation*
*the book burning in her jacket, close to her heart*
*grabbing his arm and dragging Inezia after her, not bothering with an explanation*
*the book burning in her jacket, close to her heart*

Lily:Oh. Right. *pauses, wishing she knew Italian. Maybe a lot of what Inezia said would make more sense to her* What was it?
on December 29, 2014

"Mi dispiace!" He raised a hand up as he looked disappointed in himself but still smiled, "I was thinking of something else again, mental note now.~"
on November 03, 2014

Lily:*a crease forming in her brow* Curd? Custard! *understanding, the crease smoothing out*
on November 03, 2014

"Ah! Dublin can help me then, he knows his own country after all!" He stated so cheerfully, "That gives me an excuse to stop by London for the curd recipe.~"
on November 03, 2014

Lily:Ireland. *absentmindly running her fingers along the walls, feeling their smooth coolness*
on November 03, 2014
on October 27, 2014

Becky: *reading a book*
on October 18, 2014

Name: Lilith
Age: 15
Disorder: thinks she is tree and is married to an oak tree, is very vicious like the whomping willow
job: patient
Story: was brought in after she became a tree
Personality: tree-like
Looks: upload pic See More
Age: 15
Disorder: thinks she is tree and is married to an oak tree, is very vicious like the whomping willow
job: patient
Story: was brought in after she became a tree
Personality: tree-like
Looks: upload pic See More
on October 04, 2014

It was misty and dark this day, the bared window was shut but the glass was up. Slight light seeped into the room with some mist as the young Italian sat across the room, he was on the floor instead of his bed. Slowly he looked up as his heterochromic eyes looked upon the shrouded mist, dark circles permitted around his eyes from the lack of sleep. The Asylum.. It reminded him of the doctor's hospital when the Black Plague swept through Italy. He would never sleep for he will See More watch for his own safety, occasionally he was given a sleeping drug in order to sleep but only for him to react violently the next morning. But today he was relaxed for once, his once nicely tan olive complex skin tone was now a pale tan like he was turning white. A cough left him and eventually he coughed up blood, a groan leaving him before he looked up to the ceiling. "D-Dio..." he began quietly, "Per favore... fammi uscire da questo inferno..." His eyes teared up after he stated this, soon his head dropped into his hands as he cried into them. He huffed heavily then got up and started to beat on the door as he screamed, "FATEMI USCIRE!! BASTARDOS! FATEMI USCIRE!!!"

He counted quietly to himself, waiting and waiting but he can get nervous and become impatient at times.
on September 26, 2014

on September 26, 2014

He sat down as he decided to wait, he would give a set time of ten minutes before he would go in himself.
on September 26, 2014

Lily:*almost missing the company, stopping to survey her surroundings and remember the doctor who took her notebook*
on September 26, 2014

He winced a little when hearing the jingling, he was afraid she was going to be heard and caught. He whined softly as he stayed put though, he didn't want to anger her by following her.
on September 26, 2014
on September 17, 2014

Lily:*wakes up in her cell* Ow. *reaches for her notebook to make an observation that sedation hurts* Wait. *scrabbles for her notebook, looking in all her pockets and patting herself to find it, looking all around her cell* Where is it?! *remembers the past day* ARRGGGHHHHH!!!!! *slams her hand on the floor, ignoring the pain and repeats it, feeling her hand go numb and slick*

Lily:*stops to look at the girl in the opposite cell* They took MY NOTEBOOK!!! MY RESEARCH!!!! *slams her hand down on the floor again*
on September 01, 2014

Leah: Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool! *laughs and rolling around the floor in her straitjacket*
on September 01, 2014
on September 01, 2014

Chloe: *sits in a corner of the hallways, staring at wall muttering gibberish*

Chloe: *turns and sees Leah. Keeps mumbling gibberish and shakes hands at Leah furiously*
on September 01, 2014
on August 29, 2014

Lily:*wakes up, being dragged by Bobert* Hey! *bites his arm*

Doctor:*carrying out routine medical exam, checking pulse and heartbeat* You got any family then?
on August 26, 2014
on August 25, 2014

Name: Becky/Tiana/Lillian/Katricia Madison
Age: 16
Disorder: Multiple Personality Disorder, one of the personalities has Schizophrenia, another one is a sadist(the kind that like to inflict the damage themselves)
Job: patient
Backstory: The original her is Becky.(just so you know the OTHER names are the alternate personalities) Her MPD triggered after she was in a plane crash that killed her family. It left her with scars, physically and emotionally.
Extra: These are the descriptions See More of the personalities:
Tiana - Schizophrenic, reads a lot, introvert, very open
Lillian - Polite, cheerful, gets tired easily, extravert, easy to manipulate because she is very obedient
Katricia - Hates the world, good with almost all weapons, likes to make people suffer, rude, stubborn
Age: 16
Disorder: Multiple Personality Disorder, one of the personalities has Schizophrenia, another one is a sadist(the kind that like to inflict the damage themselves)
Job: patient
Backstory: The original her is Becky.(just so you know the OTHER names are the alternate personalities) Her MPD triggered after she was in a plane crash that killed her family. It left her with scars, physically and emotionally.
Extra: These are the descriptions See More of the personalities:
Tiana - Schizophrenic, reads a lot, introvert, very open
Lillian - Polite, cheerful, gets tired easily, extravert, easy to manipulate because she is very obedient
Katricia - Hates the world, good with almost all weapons, likes to make people suffer, rude, stubborn
on August 23, 2014

Name: Chloe Samson
Age: 14
Disorder: Insane
Extra: Doesn't hurt people but just creeps them out and sometimes touches people but hasn't hurt anyone yet
Age: 14
Disorder: Insane
Extra: Doesn't hurt people but just creeps them out and sometimes touches people but hasn't hurt anyone yet
on August 23, 2014

Lily:*notices the tray left for her* Bacon!? Are they trying to poison me! *backs away from the tray, as if the bacon was an unexploded bomb*
on August 22, 2014

Name:Lily Waters
Disorder:Schizophrenic, believes she is an alien. Does not hear voices, but makes no sense when talking.
Family:Family sent her to the asylum in embarrassment and now pretend she was never born. She has a normal little brother who never knew she existed. Her aunt is also schizophrenic, and was treated in the same way. As was her grandpa.
Backstory:She developed a belief she was an alien to explain why she was different from the other children, why See More they stayed away from her. She will not eat certain food, saying it will poison her. She believes there are people trying to capture her and experiment on her. Her dream is to go back home, wherever it is.
Extra:(sorry mine has the same disorder as you elleyd, I wanted her to believe she was something else and looked it up to be schizophrenia)
Disorder:Schizophrenic, believes she is an alien. Does not hear voices, but makes no sense when talking.
Family:Family sent her to the asylum in embarrassment and now pretend she was never born. She has a normal little brother who never knew she existed. Her aunt is also schizophrenic, and was treated in the same way. As was her grandpa.
Backstory:She developed a belief she was an alien to explain why she was different from the other children, why See More they stayed away from her. She will not eat certain food, saying it will poison her. She believes there are people trying to capture her and experiment on her. Her dream is to go back home, wherever it is.
Extra:(sorry mine has the same disorder as you elleyd, I wanted her to believe she was something else and looked it up to be schizophrenia)
on August 22, 2014

Allison: ( a therapist ) *studying from several books*
on August 22, 2014
Adriana: *lays on bed staring at ceiling*
Danielle: *brings food to Adrians's door* .-.
Adriana: no I'm not... with my powers and my personalities... it's not easy.... when i am here i don't have to worry about it... i just have to lock myself in here and wait for it to pass...
Jo: *looks at the air vent, thinking the same thing and gives a quick nod*