Asylum RP
Come to the Hansfield Rehabilitation Center for those with Disorders or more properly known as the Hansfield Asylum. If you feel crazy, this is the place to be.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Name: Dianna
Age: 13
Disorder: None just deaf
Job: patient(has personal doctor)
Family: none
Backstory: none
Extra: none
Age: 13
Disorder: None just deaf
Job: patient(has personal doctor)
Family: none
Backstory: none
Extra: none
on March 10, 2015
Disorder: shouts for everyone to run
Background:parents died when she was born in a car crash so that leads her to scream for everyone to run
Extras: when she is angry her hair turns bright red
Disorder: shouts for everyone to run
Background:parents died when she was born in a car crash so that leads her to scream for everyone to run
Extras: when she is angry her hair turns bright red
on March 10, 2015
Job: patient
Background: parents died in car crash
Had to repeat because of the smiley faces
Job: patient
Background: parents died in car crash
Had to repeat because of the smiley faces
on March 10, 2015
on March 10, 2015

Name: Drocsid
Age: 13
Disorder: Turrets, no pain, no deadly diseases
Job: patient
Family: none
Backstory: none
Extra: completely blind, can't die
Age: 13
Disorder: Turrets, no pain, no deadly diseases
Job: patient
Family: none
Backstory: none
Extra: completely blind, can't die
on March 10, 2015

(Starting RP anyone can join)
Tori:*seeing things*
Tori:*seeing things*
on March 10, 2015

Name: Heritage ( pic is at bottom)
Disorder: Shes mute but uses Siri.
Job: baker
Backstory: Heritages parents died from being murdered so she ran out the window. She always whereing a helmet to protect herself. She saved her dog Burnet and built a house in the woods. Until she heard about Hansfield.
Disorder: Shes mute but uses Siri.
Job: baker
Backstory: Heritages parents died from being murdered so she ran out the window. She always whereing a helmet to protect herself. She saved her dog Burnet and built a house in the woods. Until she heard about Hansfield.

Extra: She has a power of invisibility because when she's shy,jealous,nervous,embarrassed, or scared
on March 10, 2015
on March 10, 2015
Name: Jade Everheart
Age: 17
Disorder: She has many problems that are to be helped: Such as; She is murderous and believes that people are trying to harm her (don't know how to spell it) She expects that everybody hates her so she shuts down and goes into depression.
Job: patient
Family: Parents and sister
Back Story: She was a depressed child and still is. Her parents were abusive and her sister was taken away from them at the age of 4. She was sent to the asylum and is now See More still here.
Age: 17
Disorder: She has many problems that are to be helped: Such as; She is murderous and believes that people are trying to harm her (don't know how to spell it) She expects that everybody hates her so she shuts down and goes into depression.
Job: patient
Family: Parents and sister
Back Story: She was a depressed child and still is. Her parents were abusive and her sister was taken away from them at the age of 4. She was sent to the asylum and is now See More still here.
on March 09, 2015

Starting RP @CrystalGem13
Layne: *Running through the halls, being chased by a nurse*
Layne: *Running through the halls, being chased by a nurse*
on March 09, 2015

No ask just join***
Mary-Jane: *walking in the halls of the hospital scratching the wall blankly, getting electrocuted* *doesnt feel the electric*
Mary-Jane: *walking in the halls of the hospital scratching the wall blankly, getting electrocuted* *doesnt feel the electric*
on March 09, 2015

Name: Mary-Jane Pierce ((Pierced))
Age: 17
Disorder: multi personality ((one anger, one insane, one sweet and happy, one depressed and sad, and one painless and careless))
Job: patient
Family: her parents which she HATES
Back story: her parents always made her very angry and depressed but her friends made her sweet and happy, some things like school made her go insane and careless and then she developed a personality disorder once her parents found out they sent her to a mental See More hospital. She grew mad! She'll mostly be in the halls walking blankly scratching the walls while she getting electrocuted or in her room either throwing things or crying in a corner but she walks out sweet and happy but sometimes in rare moments she normal calm blank. She lives at Hansfield Rehabilitation Center, they're always testing her. She doesn't like it so she always tries to attack them if they touch her
Extra: she has a weird power of having black tentacles in her back and can be brought out if she wants to. She wants a person to love and not judge her on her power and disorder
Age: 17
Disorder: multi personality ((one anger, one insane, one sweet and happy, one depressed and sad, and one painless and careless))
Job: patient
Family: her parents which she HATES
Back story: her parents always made her very angry and depressed but her friends made her sweet and happy, some things like school made her go insane and careless and then she developed a personality disorder once her parents found out they sent her to a mental See More hospital. She grew mad! She'll mostly be in the halls walking blankly scratching the walls while she getting electrocuted or in her room either throwing things or crying in a corner but she walks out sweet and happy but sometimes in rare moments she normal calm blank. She lives at Hansfield Rehabilitation Center, they're always testing her. She doesn't like it so she always tries to attack them if they touch her
Extra: she has a weird power of having black tentacles in her back and can be brought out if she wants to. She wants a person to love and not judge her on her power and disorder
on March 09, 2015

Name: Tori
Disorder:Has halluctiobations(sorry forgot what called)
Age: 18
Job: Artist
Family: None
Backstory: She was always find of art but she only liked painting with mostly red blood red her parents found out how she got her paint and locked her in their house she grew furious and ruthlessly killed them
Disorder:Has halluctiobations(sorry forgot what called)
Age: 18
Job: Artist
Family: None
Backstory: She was always find of art but she only liked painting with mostly red blood red her parents found out how she got her paint and locked her in their house she grew furious and ruthlessly killed them
on March 09, 2015

Name: Mary Hunt (aka Lizzy)
Age: 21
Job: Doctor
Family: Mom but she cares for Kalie like she is her sister
Extra: She is Kalie's personal doctor because she can calm her down when she has a panic attack and give her the medicine with out having to use force. she can do that because she looks like Kalie's older sister Elizabeth. that's also why her nickname is Lizzy.
Age: 21
Job: Doctor
Family: Mom but she cares for Kalie like she is her sister
Extra: She is Kalie's personal doctor because she can calm her down when she has a panic attack and give her the medicine with out having to use force. she can do that because she looks like Kalie's older sister Elizabeth. that's also why her nickname is Lizzy.
on March 09, 2015

(starting a rp. anyone can join)
Kalie: *staring at the wall*
Kalie: *staring at the wall*

Layne: But they wont let me out to go see her... I don't know why... I want to leave and find mommy.
on March 13, 2015

Layne: Yeah... they said she is locked up... they keep trying to tell me she isn't my mommy, but she is... they said she is going to be put to death...
on March 13, 2015
on March 09, 2015

Name: Josh Dude (XD)
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Disorder: psychopath (quite literally)
Job: Patient
Family: in a different asylum X3
Back Story: him and his family were always no one really noticed to much though, until they burned a few houses to the ground then murdered some random people. then his family was sent to a separate asylum and he was sent here to hansfield.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Disorder: psychopath (quite literally)
Job: Patient
Family: in a different asylum X3
Back Story: him and his family were always no one really noticed to much though, until they burned a few houses to the ground then murdered some random people. then his family was sent to a separate asylum and he was sent here to hansfield.
on March 09, 2015

Anyone want to RP?
on March 09, 2015

Name: Layne Parish (Loss)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Disorder: Psychopathic tendencies, ADHD, ADD, Multi personalities (one personality is the psychopathic one), Cries if someone touches him.
Job: Patient
Family: None, they all got murdered in front of him.
Back Story: He was eleven when a masked woman came into his house in the middle of the night and killed his parents, his older sister who cared for him more than his parents died protecting him, but not before his sister made the See More masked woman promise to let Layne live. The masked woman kept her word up until the point where she took Layne away to her house. She had never intended on killing Layne. She forced him into traumatic experiences which caused him to develop multiple personalities. He no longer knows which is the real him. The masked woman then released him to the police when they finally caught her. He was taken in for examination and they found him unfit to rejoin society until he got help. They sent him to Hansfield Rehabilitation Center and now he lives there.
Extra: He always calls himself Loss because of what happened in his past.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Disorder: Psychopathic tendencies, ADHD, ADD, Multi personalities (one personality is the psychopathic one), Cries if someone touches him.
Job: Patient
Family: None, they all got murdered in front of him.
Back Story: He was eleven when a masked woman came into his house in the middle of the night and killed his parents, his older sister who cared for him more than his parents died protecting him, but not before his sister made the See More masked woman promise to let Layne live. The masked woman kept her word up until the point where she took Layne away to her house. She had never intended on killing Layne. She forced him into traumatic experiences which caused him to develop multiple personalities. He no longer knows which is the real him. The masked woman then released him to the police when they finally caught her. He was taken in for examination and they found him unfit to rejoin society until he got help. They sent him to Hansfield Rehabilitation Center and now he lives there.
Extra: He always calls himself Loss because of what happened in his past.
on March 09, 2015

Anyone wanna Rp?

Adriana: *looks up from notebook* h-hello... *eyes seem to have a slightly insane look to them*
on March 08, 2015
on March 08, 2015

Bella: *As she checked into the asylum, she saw all kinds of people. "They're scary..." She thought, and shudders due to fear. She looked at how messy the place is and shudders even more. She can't stand messes. She played around with her hair, and sighed. She continued walking down the hallway, getting even more scared as she looked into every room.*

on March 10, 2015

Bella: *She grabbed onto his hand, pulling herself up.* Yeah, but it's no fun if there aren't anyone to play with...
on March 10, 2015

Bella: *She genuinely smiled at him, glad to meet new people.* Heh...Nice to meet you...
on March 10, 2015

Bella: Thank you very much...*She quietly said, feeling more tired from before. She slowly stood up, but then wondered about his name.* By the way, I haven't caught on your name...What is it?
on March 10, 2015

Bella: I don't have a room...*She mumbled* Every time I enter a room, I end up getting kicked out or chased out....
on March 10, 2015
on March 08, 2015

Name: Bella Rodgers
Age: 14
Disorder: OCD, Amnesia
Job: Patient
Family: Her parents died due to a car crash. She's an only child.
Backstory: She's an heiress to her family's heirloom but due to thieves, her parents and her had to constantly move to place to place. One of the thieves eventually became to close and her parents died along the way to the airport. Luckily, she survived but suffered through amnesia. People found her, and brought her to this asylum. Don't blame her See More if you see people peeking through the windows at night.
Extra: Like most heiresses, she's weak. If she runs too much, she ends up coughing up blood.
Age: 14
Disorder: OCD, Amnesia
Job: Patient
Family: Her parents died due to a car crash. She's an only child.
Backstory: She's an heiress to her family's heirloom but due to thieves, her parents and her had to constantly move to place to place. One of the thieves eventually became to close and her parents died along the way to the airport. Luckily, she survived but suffered through amnesia. People found her, and brought her to this asylum. Don't blame her See More if you see people peeking through the windows at night.
Extra: Like most heiresses, she's weak. If she runs too much, she ends up coughing up blood.
on March 08, 2015