Anime/Manga club
This club is for people who love anime/manga like boy prince, loveless, shugo chara, black butler, etc,. I hope you like this and yes you may talk about anime and manga's. enjoy ^^

Has Anyone Seen Say "I Love You" ??? Its a beatiful anime :D
Basicly its based on a girl who at a young age was blamed for killing the class pet because the colprets didn't want to take the blame. she tried telling them it wasn't her and nobody believed her. is what maid it worse was that the kids who blamed her where her best friends. after this she believed people where worthless and never had a friend Aegean... until high school comes and she catches the eye of the coolest See More guy in the school :D
Basicly its based on a girl who at a young age was blamed for killing the class pet because the colprets didn't want to take the blame. she tried telling them it wasn't her and nobody believed her. is what maid it worse was that the kids who blamed her where her best friends. after this she believed people where worthless and never had a friend Aegean... until high school comes and she catches the eye of the coolest See More guy in the school :D
on June 29, 2013

im so bored.... does anyony know a good anime

Yeah but hey ikuto.... Gave her a kiss on the cheek :D.... Okay that's not very exiting but u know..... Improvment on the relationship.....
on July 08, 2013

thanks iv seen alot of those too lol i loved loved loved them :3 -i know im sounding really girly right now-
on July 01, 2013

I know some good animes:
*soul eater
* fruits basket
*Rosario and vampire See More
* clannad & clannad after stories
*higurashi (when they cry)
I have seen all these and they are VERY good!!! I would advise the ppl who haven't seen some or any of these to definetly check em' out.. :D
*soul eater
* fruits basket
*Rosario and vampire See More
* clannad & clannad after stories
*higurashi (when they cry)
I have seen all these and they are VERY good!!! I would advise the ppl who haven't seen some or any of these to definetly check em' out.. :D
on July 01, 2013

on June 17, 2013
on June 10, 2013

i finally finished Black Butler xD
the ending was amazing and makes me ish it continued on and on...
im not going to spiol for anyone but my fave charecter(s) was griell and Sebastian
i will also admit i got NO sleep b/c i stayed up till 4 am watching it lol
the ending was amazing and makes me ish it continued on and on...
im not going to spiol for anyone but my fave charecter(s) was griell and Sebastian
i will also admit i got NO sleep b/c i stayed up till 4 am watching it lol

There's a secound season 0.0 ......... Looking for it after I watch this movie with my family lol xD
on August 19, 2013
on June 10, 2013

Chobbits is such a lovely anime isn't it??? :3
on April 14, 2013

I like deadman wonderland! I'm not far in it though!

on March 29, 2013
on March 28, 2013

Well im slowly working my way through Black Butler finally(: lol i dont know why i havent really got into it before now.

im SLOWLY working through it bc my parents hate anime/manga..... i dont know why so i keep it on the down low.
on March 28, 2013

oh god iv only gotten to like maybe the 6 episode cuz my internets really slow. iv always loved Sebastian :3
on March 16, 2013
on March 15, 2013

I'm going slow with the show ouran host club, I just got to the part where Rees thunder and haruhi is scared. Tamaki is so in love with her! Don't tell me how it ends please!
on March 15, 2013

i cant believe the mess amu got herself into...
Ikuto AND the other dude lol (i never botherd to remember the others)
i cant believe the mess amu got herself into...
Ikuto AND the other dude lol (i never botherd to remember the others)
on March 05, 2013

okay first thing first to offically join you must do the pocky competiotion and tell me about it on your request note. ^^
on March 04, 2013
ill send a video to this page right now