Finally on Season TWO of Black Butler!! haha lol

I love this season because of alois at first I was upset because I thought they replaced ciel and bassy but I knew that could never happen:p
on September 16, 2013

on September 04, 2013
on September 04, 2013

Hey guys!
Omg I'm so sorry I haven't been on here at all lately.... I had school finals and everything.
Omg I'm so sorry I haven't been on here at all lately.... I had school finals and everything.
on June 04, 2013

EMOtionalGirl added a new chapter to Avalon's Story

Avalon's sister...?!
Avalon was sitting on her bed with Devon, just holding her as her sobs rocked the room. It just hit her that Lyranna had left and she didnt realize it would hurt so much. Avalon heard Devon sigh and lean down to kiss her head, carefully. Avalon moved at the last second and kissed Devon on the lips. Devon smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around her.
A while later, Avalon untangled herself from Devon's arms and smiled as she remebered thier makeout session, thier first one. She gig... Read Full Chapter
A while later, Avalon untangled herself from Devon's arms and smiled as she remebered thier makeout session, thier first one. She gig... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

EMOtionalGirl added a new chapter to LifeOFmine

Tattoo for Sky..?!
"Sky? Sky?" Dusk asked impatiently as his darling lady smiled mischivously as she picked out her tattoo. Dusk thought it was a bad idea, even though he had several tattoos himself. Although the twins thought it was an excellent idea.
"This one." Sky said after awhile. Dusk looked it over and sighed. He knew he couldnt stop her. The twins jumped in joy and glee. 'Traitors' Dusk thought to himself.
Sky went up to the tattoo stylist and asked for the one she wanted but on b... Read Full Chapter
"This one." Sky said after awhile. Dusk looked it over and sighed. He knew he couldnt stop her. The twins jumped in joy and glee. 'Traitors' Dusk thought to himself.
Sky went up to the tattoo stylist and asked for the one she wanted but on b... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

I just realized how much longer my hair is now..... i mean its not much longer but its still longer... lol
and now im talking to myself.......
GREAT.... im insane
and now im talking to myself.......
GREAT.... im insane

on March 27, 2013
on March 26, 2013

Well guys, i had a pretty good spring break although im grounded from contacts until i get my new ones in... so im wearing my Harry Potter type glasses and rocking them(: (i hope)
I am trying to get some of my pictures up but its alittle harder than i thought....
I am trying to get some of my pictures up but its alittle harder than i thought....

on March 27, 2013

on March 26, 2013
on March 26, 2013

Hey guys!
Sadly i wont be on for about a week. I have spring break and apparently i have to go to see family and its going to be a Technology free week. /sigh
Kill me now. lol
I love you guys! talk to you when i get back!
Sadly i wont be on for about a week. I have spring break and apparently i have to go to see family and its going to be a Technology free week. /sigh
Kill me now. lol
I love you guys! talk to you when i get back!
on March 15, 2013

Well im slowly working my way through Black Butler finally(: lol i dont know why i havent really got into it before now.

im SLOWLY working through it bc my parents hate anime/manga..... i dont know why so i keep it on the down low.
on March 28, 2013

oh god iv only gotten to like maybe the 6 episode cuz my internets really slow. iv always loved Sebastian :3
on March 16, 2013
on March 15, 2013

on March 11, 2013

EMOtionalGirl added a new chapter to LifeOFmine

Rawr! New guy on the block.
Sky and Dusk walked to school linked together, laughing over some joke the Twins were telling. The Twins loved telling jokes, it was funny and awsome to them. Although Sky was the one to pull pranks. Dusk just stood back and watched. Revelling in the shocked faces of the poor victums.
"Sky! Watch out!!!" The Twins yelled at her, somone was skateboarding and had runned into Sky. She was alright, just a little knocked off her feet. Dusk swooped down to pick her up and made sure she was ... Read Full Chapter
"Sky! Watch out!!!" The Twins yelled at her, somone was skateboarding and had runned into Sky. She was alright, just a little knocked off her feet. Dusk swooped down to pick her up and made sure she was ... Read Full Chapter
on February 28, 2013

long time no talk!! wat up!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! wooow b4 we even talked!!lol!!! im envyous! im doing school now.
on February 20, 2013
on February 20, 2013

How do you get more pictures up.....????? it wont let me upload anymore pics
on February 20, 2013

Read Mysterious Bennidect Society Now!
Trust me, this book is better than Harry Potter. Only it's not as popular!! The only problem is that it has a slow beginning.
on February 19, 2013