Rawr! New guy on the block.

"Sky! Watch out!!!" The Twins yelled at her, somone was skateboarding and had runned into Sky. She was alright, just a little knocked off her feet. Dusk swooped down to pick her up and made sure she was unscratched.
"Ow!" A deep voice came from the strange skateboarder, "Geez, Im sorry miss...." The stranger blushed when he realized he was standing in the mist of teenagers like him. He cooked up a smile when he noticed the girl he had run into. 'She's Hot' He thought.
"My name is Friday, or Freeky. Thats what my friends call me." Friday smiled again, this time aiming it right at this lovely girl. Dusk steered his anger and said a quick nice to meet you but we have to go bit. Sky laughed nevrously as she noticed Dusk's anger. THe Twins also noticed. It wasnt hard to notice when someone was angry.
"Bye, Friday!" THe Twins yelled at the same time as they walked faster to school, not that they cared if they were later, but because they wanted to catch up with Sky and Dusk.
Friday smiled and chuckled as he went off to his meeting with the gang, The Cruelists. He wanted the gorgous girl named Sky, and he also wanted the Twins. 'Maybe they will be fun all together' He thought as his desire stirred for the three bueatiful girls.
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