dark clan
hi I am snowfall and I used to be in thunder clan until I left but that's a different story so if you want to join my clan right a post or a member request hope you like it bye
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I'm Damonstream, I was in Moonclan and fell in love with scourge and Ashfur. When Ashfur died I thought that my only choice was to join Scourge in Bloodclan. But after I realized that I didn't belong there an ran away to Darkclan. :3

i meant Diamondstream O3O
on September 03, 2014
on June 04, 2014

Hello snowfall I am flastar the leader of sunclan I was wondering do you want to have an alliance with my clan so we dont have to fight for different reasons?
on May 26, 2014

i r back again

on October 02, 2014
on May 19, 2014

on April 27, 2014

I'm Silverstorm and I escaped from Shadowclan the night after I was stolen. I lived as a loner my whole life until I heard of this clan
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014

Can I plz join? I love warrior cats and thunder clan:p
on December 31, 2013

Hi,i am Darkmoon,i used to be in shadowclan but on the night that i was made a warrior i decided to run away as some of the cats weren't very nice to me,then after a while in the forest i over heard thunderclan warriors talking about this clan.i decided that i wanted to join,so may i join your clan?
on December 30, 2013

Hi, I'm Frostpoint! I used to be in ThunderClan but when I heard about DarkClan I wanted to join! I am guessing you are the leader, Snowfall or Snowstar?
on December 30, 2013

i have know idea what i was going to write yay
on December 30, 2013