The spongebob page
This is the spongebob fan page, we can talk about episodes and do whatever we want! (No fighting, seriously.)

It has inspired me to be myself, no matter how weird
To tell people my ideas, no matter how stupid
To keep trying, no matter how hard
To understand others, no matter how different
It has inspired me to be myself, no matter how weird
To tell people my ideas, no matter how stupid
To keep trying, no matter how hard
To understand others, no matter how different

so true
on February 18, 2014
on February 18, 2014

Sandy-SpongeBob, what's your mom's maiden name?
SpongeBob-Mary Applebottom!
Sandy-Patrick, what's your first name?
Patrick-Uh...Such a trick question!
Sandy-*sigh* Come in.
SpongeBob-Mary Applebottom!
Sandy-Patrick, what's your first name?
Patrick-Uh...Such a trick question!
Sandy-*sigh* Come in.
on February 17, 2014


on February 18, 2014
on February 17, 2014

Sooooo... Who's your favorite character? I LOVE PATRIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!:x

Girl- Do you think I’m pretty?
Boy- NO
Girl- Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy- NO
Girl- Do you even like me? See More
Boy- NO
Girl- Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy- NO
she heard enough and walked away
he grabbed her arm
Boy- Your not pretty…. your beautiful
I don’t want to be with you forever……. I need to be with you forever
I don’t like you….. I love you
I wouldn’t cry if you walked away… I would die if you walked away
Boy- Please stay with me
Girl- I will
tonight at midnight your true love will realize he loves you
something good will happen to you @ 1-4 p.m.
tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!!!
get ready for the shock of your life!
If you don’t post this on 5 other comments.. you will have bad luck in love for the next 10 year
Boy- NO
Girl- Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy- NO
Girl- Do you even like me? See More
Boy- NO
Girl- Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy- NO
she heard enough and walked away
he grabbed her arm
Boy- Your not pretty…. your beautiful
I don’t want to be with you forever……. I need to be with you forever
I don’t like you….. I love you
I wouldn’t cry if you walked away… I would die if you walked away
Boy- Please stay with me
Girl- I will
tonight at midnight your true love will realize he loves you
something good will happen to you @ 1-4 p.m.
tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!!!
get ready for the shock of your life!
If you don’t post this on 5 other comments.. you will have bad luck in love for the next 10 year
on January 16, 2014

Omg yeses! That guy is hilarious! I can't BELIVE he hasn't had his legs amputated yet! O.o
on January 15, 2014
on December 21, 2013

Alright, what's your favorite episode:D

on February 18, 2014

Lolz. I really like the way they call it the 'Krusty Krab' when they could have spelled it 'crusty crab' which is the correct spelling. Lolz
on December 21, 2013
on December 07, 2013