Weekly Challenges
Greetings User! You have stumbled onto the Weekly Challenge Page! Here you can solve riddles/questions posted by other users, and compete in contests created by our members! We are always accepting friendly faces as staff, but we may take up to a week to accept to keep challenges from interfering. (Discussing Contests between members should go into Member's Chat, so make sure to check it regularly)

-Rebooted Page
-Updated Page Bio
-Removed vague and unused posts
-Rebooted Page
-Updated Page Bio
-Removed vague and unused posts
on August 01, 2016

Hey! Its been what? 2 years? we're back by about 112 (And then some) challenges now XD. Anyway,
I'm going to Reboot this page, but along with riddles and petty stuff. I'm gonna start contests, such as Writing, Quizes, Etc. This is like Qfeast's challenge page in a way, but intstead of having them rarely, and (As of now) only having quiz Contests, we will have contests such as stories, Polls, pet pages, etc. Go ahead give this post a like if you are interested in See More being a member for the reboot. -Light
I'm going to Reboot this page, but along with riddles and petty stuff. I'm gonna start contests, such as Writing, Quizes, Etc. This is like Qfeast's challenge page in a way, but intstead of having them rarely, and (As of now) only having quiz Contests, we will have contests such as stories, Polls, pet pages, etc. Go ahead give this post a like if you are interested in See More being a member for the reboot. -Light
on July 31, 2016

This is a little obvious, but here it is: although I am far from the point I don't make mistakes, I fix yours

well, actually mine is correct, it hardly ever with the point, it never misspells a word, and it "corrects" your mistakes
on March 03, 2014
on March 01, 2014

okay, how many answer can we get for a classic riddle? whats black and white and read all over? im not looking for the right answer, just what people can come up with :D

on February 24, 2014
on February 23, 2014

What goes up but never come down?
on January 24, 2014

ok, im officially out, its monday the 13th, bad day, bad riddle, what has 18 feet and catches flies?
on January 13, 2014

ok, this time im not even trying: 7 months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
on January 03, 2014

happy new year everyone!
on January 01, 2014

now, I have one for you lightstriker!
The root tops the trunk
on this backward thing,
that grows in the winter
and dies in the spring.
What is it?
The root tops the trunk
on this backward thing,
that grows in the winter
and dies in the spring.
What is it?
on December 31, 2013

ok, the part of the bird that cannot fly, can swim in the sea, but always stay dry, im making up for lost time here, sorry parabolic
on December 31, 2013

im sorry, paobolic, and everybody, that i havent been on in such a long time, ive been having some internet issues and lets see, i finally got it working at 2 o'clock in the morning, so again, sorry for not being here, the wifi at my house is on the fritz... again

Nice, my grandpa made computers for my brothers, the first thing they did on them was get viruses
on January 02, 2014
on December 31, 2013

ok, since lightstriker seems to be unavailable... I will do this again.
The music stopped and somebody died, why?
The music stopped and somebody died, why?

The "Oh, dying" thing was actually by accident, I didn't copy and paste, rewrote it in my own words :)
on December 26, 2013
on December 16, 2013

no one got the answer to this challenge, no one even tried (that makes me feel sad) he didn't want a defective one so he checked the others and jumped leaving the others behind for the passengers. you can do the challenge now lightstriker
on December 15, 2013

since lightstriker hasn't done it this week i'll do the challenge!
A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers(8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers(8 of them) and valuable cargo. After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want eight?
on December 08, 2013

nobody likes us :{

Its not weather you win or lose, its about having fun and believing in yourself and your answer, so what if someone answer wrong, its nothing that will effect you, true? Try your best, and you may surprise yourself
on December 31, 2013

Random comment but I would attempt your riddles but I'm pretty sure I would fail trying so that's why I dont...
on December 17, 2013

on December 12, 2013
on December 03, 2013

a man is sent to his eternal torment, who is supposed to spend the rest of his life, he has the option of three different rooms: three assains in one, a room filled with fire and lava, and the third is filled with lions that havent eaten for three years, what is the safest room for him? and parabolic got the answer to last weeks challenge, who dont you become a member?

the room with the lions, if they haven't eaten for 3 years they would have died from starvation years ago
on November 30, 2013
on November 30, 2013

rearrange to letters of "new door" to make one word
on November 23, 2013

challenge #1:
take the roman numeral for 9 (IX) and turn it into 6 by adding or taking away 1 line
take the roman numeral for 9 (IX) and turn it into 6 by adding or taking away 1 line
on November 14, 2013