on August 28, 2015

Just shut up. People just don't like the way you act. You need to stop this now. It's getting f*cking annoying and stop saying your @pikachukitty. I wouldn't believe she has an account that makes her look like an idiot. she's my best friend and you have no right to treat her or anyone in qfeast like that. Even your stupid account @Wolfina_The_Pet_Wolf which I think it was. Don't copy Wolfies cause no one will believe your her. Everyone's qfeast pet will stay like that and there's See More nothing that your stupid brain can do about that. Everyone on qfeast is special in there own ways which I hoped you learned that. I like every person on qfeast cause there themselves. Not phonies like you. So please stop this and just be who you are in your heart. Cause that's all that really matters. Don't you want people to remember you as a nice qfeaster and everyone e wants to hang and talk around with? Not a nasty old person who copies other people and is a complete bitch? As much as I'm mad at you I want to help you as a friend. But the way you are now will not change a single thing. I know there's still good in you somewhere just your choosing a wrong side. So once again please stop and join the good side not the bad and no good side. ?
on August 27, 2015

:/ This kind of thing STILL continues after I left on a hiatus...? Geez, how trollers never change...
on July 28, 2015

Just shut up
on July 28, 2015

Ok, why are you stealing identities? Its downright retarded....I know this isn't the truth, so spit it. Who are you and WTF are you doing this? Excuse my language. I just want to know...
on July 28, 2015

Okay, this is really @JayCity02
on July 28, 2015

Just shut up

Here let's make a deal shall we? You fess UP to who you really are, and we all shut UP about you, hmmm?
on July 28, 2015
on July 28, 2015

on July 28, 2015

on July 28, 2015

I'm leaving qfeast! :(( since everyone lies to me! :((

@RainbowGalaxy kitty swears up and down this isn't her she didn't have access to here all day til just now
on July 28, 2015
on July 28, 2015

Guys...I'm actually pikachukitty...:( I'm sorry for my mistake...
on July 28, 2015

Uh... why did you dislike all the recent posts on my wall?
on July 26, 2015

on July 25, 2015

on December 25, 2014