
on May 21, 2013
on May 17, 2013

Îmi place toată lumea în mod egal și sper să trăiesc o viață bună pentru acum și pentru totdeauna frumos și prospere, prin toate formele de viață are de oferit adăuga sari peste toate obstacolele
on May 16, 2013

Utinam omnes aeque diligam vivere et nunc et semper et in omni vita Bene prospere omnia impedimenta praestare transilit addere
on May 16, 2013

J'aime tout le monde également et j'espère que vous vivez une bonne vie maintenant et pour toujours agréable et prospérer à travers toute la vie a à offrir ajouter sauter par-dessus tous les obstacles;)
on May 16, 2013

أنا أحب الجميع على قدم المساواة وآمل أن يعيش حياة جيدة الآن وإلى الأبد لطيفة والازدهار من خلال كلالحياة لهذا العرض إضافة تقفز فوق كل العقبات
on May 16, 2013

on May 16, 2013

Ich liebe alle gleich und ich hoffe, dass Sie ein gutes Leben für jetzt und für immer schön und gedeihen durch alle Leben zu bieten hat hinzuzufügen Sprung über alle Hindernisse
on May 16, 2013

나는 모두를 동등하게 사랑하고 당신은 지금 좋은 생활을 영원히 좋은 모든 생활을 통해 번영 희망 모든 장애물을 제공하고 뛰어 넘다합니다 ....

I love everyone equally and I hope you live a good life for now and forever nice and prosper through all life has to offer add jump over all obstacles
on May 16, 2013
on May 16, 2013

on May 16, 2013

key- that's right(hahaha)
yo we're running out of time, man
selected v.i.p
wouldn't it be mind blowingly awesome
no we're on a rock, rock, rocket
just gotta keep your seatbelt
fastened See More
no, you're not gonna, shoulda, woulda
this and coulda woulda that
cause we're never coming back to
the t t t trap see these two full moons,
you're the chosen knight go and
spread good news cause we got no time
yo we're running out of time, man
selected v.i.p
wouldn't it be mind blowingly awesome
no we're on a rock, rock, rocket
just gotta keep your seatbelt
fastened See More
no, you're not gonna, shoulda, woulda
this and coulda woulda that
cause we're never coming back to
the t t t trap see these two full moons,
you're the chosen knight go and
spread good news cause we got no time
on May 15, 2013

oh my beautiful target you zoom, zoom heart like a rocket<3
oh my beautiful target you zoom, zoom heart like a rocket
nae tteogeom simjang
geudaeleul gidalyeoyo
I like like it like it like it x3<3
oh my beautiful target you zoom, zoom heart like a rocket
nae tteogeom simjang
geudaeleul gidalyeoyo
I like like it like it like it x3<3
on May 15, 2013

why helloO:-)
on May 14, 2013

Hhheyyyy I love uuu
on May 11, 2013

i saw this poacher documenty on tv and it was about tigers and my eyes over flowed

I think this ALL has to stop, the over feeding of farm animals, the drugs to make them fatter, the poaching of wild ones, crossing their terettories, and even jungles and habitats are being destroyed to make room for farming and those sorts, when someone says I had a really good price for that land, I bought it, its mine, I can do whatever I want to it, its a See More lie, you dont buy it, you borrow it, and you have to tae care of it.
But good news, people actually care enough to stand for the animals that cant stand for themselves.
But good news, people actually care enough to stand for the animals that cant stand for themselves.
on May 02, 2013
on April 30, 2013