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Which Fullmetal Alchemist charecter are you?
on November 29, 2012

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WhAt WiLl BeCoMe Of YoU WhEn YoU DiE?
on November 28, 2012

new ginki story plze read
on November 28, 2012

Have you heard of this band called Within Temptation??
on November 28, 2012

mikycamry asked a question

what is the secret of the universe/ time continum, and the under ground weasels? if you...
on November 28, 2012

Hey :)
on November 28, 2012

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Which wedding theme should you have?
on November 27, 2012

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will you live past a zombie apocalypse?
on November 27, 2012

love is a pictureless setting in life
you dont control it
you dont know when it'll hit you
when it does it stings
just know when a girl admitts she likes you
it takes every thing she has See More
dont take it for granted
"these violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph, die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume"
romeo & juliet
love is a pictureless setting in life
you dont control it
you dont know when it'll hit you
when it does it stings
just know when a girl admitts she likes you
it takes every thing she has See More
dont take it for granted
"these violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph, die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume"
romeo & juliet

on November 02, 2012
on November 02, 2012

okay so in vampires suck do they really look like the black eyed peas?!!!!
cuz the jerry trainer thought so plse comment
very confused
cuz the jerry trainer thought so plse comment
very confused
on November 02, 2012

on November 02, 2012

on November 02, 2012
i like your pic too