meburningslime asked a question
Would SCP attack A.I.? Would scp 096 attack robots? How about AI like Jarvis and Ultron...
on June 09, 2019

on June 04, 2019

meburningslime asked a question

Hello, what should i do?!?!?! You have read SCP: Conatinment Breach, or at lest I hope ...
on May 28, 2019

meburningslime added a new chapter to SCP Containment Breach

The Detonation
As we were about to enter the facility once more, this time permanently, when we heard and felt deep rumbling. If you could imagine it, the whole earth felt as if it were moving. What now? I thought to myself, as it couldn't get much worse than half the crew dying. Or so I thought. I was about a mile away, preparing SCP-066's movement. The whole mountain shook, turned a deep red, then exploded.
After the dust settled, I finally realized what had happened all along. A D-Boy or ... Read Full Chapter
After the dust settled, I finally realized what had happened all along. A D-Boy or ... Read Full Chapter
on May 27, 2019

meburningslime asked a question

Please read SCP: Containment Breach! Once you do, please tell me what you think made th...
on May 27, 2019

meburningslime added a new chapter to SCP Containment Breach

Mass Breakout
Our plan worked brilliantly. Or so we thought. As we waited for the dust to settle over the base, a few dozen MTF arrived. After questioning them thoroughly, I learned that SCP-035 was not evacuated! Since a team of 60 was about to enter the lab, I cautioned them and told them of what our past actions have been. After a full briefing, they advised Captain [EXPUNGED], the man who led the MTF in previously, to join us. Grudgingly, he agreed. The squad had even more tranquilizers and a d...
Read Full Chapter
on May 27, 2019

meburningslime added a new chapter to SCP Containment Breach
The Entrance
Because of my lack of responses and my tight schedule, I had to make a decision myself. The goal of the mission is to evacuate everyone in the bunker and then to release SCP-173 into containment. Quickly, the MTF Group breached the doors and attached their modified night vision goggles. They were still a work in progress, so therefore, guards were not safe. They were to tranquilize SCP-096 if possible, but if it got into it's enraged state, to split up into groups of two and continue down.
... Read Full Chapter
... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2019

on May 26, 2019