malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 3
Dave didn't intentionally bend his knees so much but it was too late to correct his stance after karkat had pointed it out as an insult to his height yet again. When karkat had told him he wasn't an idiot he was expecting to get a nice lift up before hearing the rest of it all which just made Dave feel worse, as if he was pushed so deep underwater where his lungs would start to collapse, slowly crushing him from the inside until there was no more air left to rely on. Dave slowly put his arms ...
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on March 10, 2016

A guy was driving his truck along the interstate, when he admitted to his wife that he had screwed around on her. She proceeded to cut his penis off with a hunting knife, and throw it out the window. The penis whizzed through the air and landed momentarily with a "SPLAT" on the windshield of the car behind, before sliding off. The little girl who was riding with her father yelled, "Daddy! Ew, what was that? I'm scared." Her father said, "Don't worry honey, it was only a bug." See More His daughter said, "Wow, that bug really had a huge d**k!"

omfg that poor father must be horrified about his daughter's knowledge. XDDD
on March 10, 2016

on March 10, 2016

Oh my Din. XDXD Im laughing so frikin hard. XD
on March 09, 2016
on March 09, 2016

FOUR SWORDS PLUS (I had to, sorry. DX)
FOUR SWORDS PLUS (I had to, sorry. DX)
on March 09, 2016

So apparently its tradition to block people after you follow them for no apparent reason right? Lmao I've only been back for three days and I already have enemies.
on March 09, 2016

A man cheats on his girlfriend Lorraine with a woman named Clearly. Lorraine dies suddenly. At the funeral, the man stands up and sings, "I can see Clearly now, Lorraine is gone."
on March 09, 2016

What does a train say on its way to achiewitz? (Cannot spell to even save a life)
on March 09, 2016

Fuchsia Karkat = Fuchsia Karkat is extremely gaudy and a fashionista (but not as much as Kanaya). He loves his bling and he is never caught without it. Though He is extremely demanding and a bit bossy and stingy he secretly cares about his friends. He's not afraid of his blood color and likes to show it off as much as possible. He sometimes wears the most rediculous get up and defends it by saying "Its high fashion". The only time he makes fish puns See More is when he's extremely angry or drunk. Fuchsia Karkat is more laid back then normal Karkat.
Human/Fuchsia/ Karkat: This troll has a slight hawaiian look about him and is stunningly open about a lot of things. He is gay and not afriad to show it and is often seen wearing leather jeans and d*ck earings. He also likes fashion and is a bit stuck up. He is pretty much Fuchsia Karkat but in human form.
Human Karkat= His father is a preacher but he himself is athiest and therefore hates being forced into church. He is obsessed with human romance and is actually against troll romance highly though he doesn't mind learning about it and later mocking its foundations though secretly he is only against it because he's jealous of how much more open and accepting troll romance is compared to human romance. He ends up later on becoming polymantic to attempt to conform to troll romance without using troll romance terms. He's albino and has invested in dying his eyebrows, the tips of his eyelashes, and his hair black.
Fuchsia Karkat = Fuchsia Karkat is extremely gaudy and a fashionista (but not as much as Kanaya). He loves his bling and he is never caught without it. Though He is extremely demanding and a bit bossy and stingy he secretly cares about his friends. He's not afraid of his blood color and likes to show it off as much as possible. He sometimes wears the most rediculous get up and defends it by saying "Its high fashion". The only time he makes fish puns See More is when he's extremely angry or drunk. Fuchsia Karkat is more laid back then normal Karkat.
Human/Fuchsia/ Karkat: This troll has a slight hawaiian look about him and is stunningly open about a lot of things. He is gay and not afriad to show it and is often seen wearing leather jeans and d*ck earings. He also likes fashion and is a bit stuck up. He is pretty much Fuchsia Karkat but in human form.
Human Karkat= His father is a preacher but he himself is athiest and therefore hates being forced into church. He is obsessed with human romance and is actually against troll romance highly though he doesn't mind learning about it and later mocking its foundations though secretly he is only against it because he's jealous of how much more open and accepting troll romance is compared to human romance. He ends up later on becoming polymantic to attempt to conform to troll romance without using troll romance terms. He's albino and has invested in dying his eyebrows, the tips of his eyelashes, and his hair black.
on March 09, 2016

on March 09, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 2
The movement helped warm the him up more, allowing him to sleep more comfortably. the two slept for what seemed like hours, Karkat sprawled across Dave as he merely held the troll close. He shifted himself a few timed during the nap, causing him to have his face buried into Daves neck, his soft breathes sweeping across his skin, flowing over and gently brushing at him, making his hair flutter slightly. His arms where wrapped around him still, only this time his fingers where digging into the ...
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on March 09, 2016

A priest, A rapist, and a pedophile walked into a bar. He sat down and ordered a drink.
on March 09, 2016

Nepeta walked into a club-
i am so sorry
i am so sorry
on March 08, 2016

I'm going to update images for everything asap
I just have to wait for my ipad to come back because the screen is getting fixed. Ughhhh too much waiting.
I just have to wait for my ipad to come back because the screen is getting fixed. Ughhhh too much waiting.
on March 08, 2016

on March 08, 2016