Gone for a few hours to play loz and I have 200 notifications. Hot damn
on March 14, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 9 Epilogue
Earth, it was sh*t in Karkats opinion, so far he actually detested the place. It was too bright, too much flora, and almost everywhere he went people somehow p*ssed him off. Dave had told him that taking walks around the place to get use to it would help, but no matter what, he always hated the walks, or at least thats what he told himself.
He did however enjoy the fact that nobody was trying to kill him yet, his blood color meaning nothing in this world, except maybe to the other trolls. Th... Read Full Chapter
He did however enjoy the fact that nobody was trying to kill him yet, his blood color meaning nothing in this world, except maybe to the other trolls. Th... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2016

my phone fell from my hands and hit my neck. I've been wounded folks. Someone call the emergency vehicles I'm dying
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist asked a question
Important question about davekat fanfiction So, the very last chapter of my davekat fan...
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 8 Ending
The two stared at one another silently, either of them making any moves to get up or to leave, their eyes trailing over one another and remembering things about one another they had learned. No one bothered to break the silence, not yet anyways. The grey bleakness of the rooftop almost matched the emotion that settled between the two, a feeling of desperation and melancholy residing over them in breathy tendrils that lingered and flexed over their presence like a sickness planning to desecrat...
Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2016

When someone votes your fanfiction as 1 star and you can't help but laugh at them
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 7
Ayy guys, here is the next fabulous update. I know everyone hated the last chapter I'm sure but don't worry soon everything will be better.
Two more chapters everyone!
grimAuxillatrix [GA] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]
[GA] Karkat I Am Quite Worried About You Especially After Hearing What Little Blubbering Dave Made And What Rose So Kindly Translated For Me.
[GA] Not Only That But You've Been Locked Up In Your Respitblock For Two Entire Weeks Now
[GA] I Understand That Y... Read Full Chapter
Two more chapters everyone!
grimAuxillatrix [GA] began trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]
[GA] Karkat I Am Quite Worried About You Especially After Hearing What Little Blubbering Dave Made And What Rose So Kindly Translated For Me.
[GA] Not Only That But You've Been Locked Up In Your Respitblock For Two Entire Weeks Now
[GA] I Understand That Y... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist added a new chapter to Tell me about Quadrants <Homestuck DaveKat Dave Strider Karkat Vantas>
Part 6
That night a few days ago was absolutely perfect. The small troll had enjoyed every second of it and so did Dave. Karkat was still feeling the afterglow of the night even now as he sat in the nutrition block, or as the humans called it the kitchen, and practically devoured a sandwich. Kanaya and Rose sat nearby sharing some meal while they giggled about their books. They weren't really giggling but still.
Terezi and Gamzee had stopped spending as much time together, Terezi finally starting ... Read Full Chapter
Terezi and Gamzee had stopped spending as much time together, Terezi finally starting ... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist asked a question
Why does everyone on this site like Sonic so much? I mean, nothing is wrong with sonic ...
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist asked a question
nsfw anyone? Would everyone be down for me publishing some nsfw on this site? They'll b...
on March 13, 2016

malfunctioningEgoist IS MY KIK
malfunctioningEgoist IS MY KIK

And yeah, that's cool, I don't mind either way where we do it. We can rp on this page if you want. Just know all my rps go down a certain rout sooner or late unless I don't ship the characters
And yeah, that's cool, I don't mind either way where we do it. We can rp on this page if you want. Just know all my rps go down a certain rout sooner or late unless I don't ship the characters
on March 13, 2016
on March 13, 2016

Its raining its pooring the condie is snoring. She fell out of her recoopaccon and bumped her horn and won't be getting up until forever
on March 13, 2016

Today is the first day of Hyrule High and the weather is absolutely perfect outside. There are no storm clouds in sight and no monsters. It seemed the goddesses were in favor of the young heros and villans.

Alright. Is your oc human, hylian, zora, or a goron? Doubtful on the goron part but still. Or is it another race? There are so many of them)))
on March 13, 2016

Yeah pretty much)))
If you have a better way of starting it go ahead. I was just worried no one would)))
Also, who would you want to rp as? It can be anyone not already taken and from any zelda game or even a zelda oc)))
If you have a better way of starting it go ahead. I was just worried no one would)))
Also, who would you want to rp as? It can be anyone not already taken and from any zelda game or even a zelda oc)))
on March 13, 2016
on March 13, 2016

Since I'm going by spider king (lmao) I'm sure you can be that one emo boy @Princesscrystalkat
You probably can't even read this because I'm blocked? Lmao. S
You probably can't even read this because I'm blocked? Lmao. S

Wait seriously? @Princesscrystalkat I kept getting told I couldn't comment on your stuff and it was stressing me out so much because I wanted to tell you how F*CKING ADORABLE THAT TOTERO SLEEEPING BAG WAS
on March 13, 2016
on March 13, 2016

Ravioli ravioli give us a levioli

on March 12, 2016
on March 12, 2016