magicalmonique asked a question
Which subject (school) are you most struggling right now? Also, what specific class is ...
on February 26, 2017

magicalmonique created a poll

Based on this Picture and your Zodiac sign, are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?
on February 17, 2017

created a

Would We Be Best Friends? (2017 VERSION)
on January 08, 2017

magicalmonique created a poll
If You Were A Character In The Bible, You Would Be
on January 08, 2017

on January 08, 2017

Does anyone have any requests for quizzes I should make? I am interested in starting up again.
on October 01, 2016

magicalmonique asked a question
What is your opinion on My Chemical Romance? I recently found this band and I know they...
on October 01, 2016

The one direction fandom because they are too obsessed with one direction and too protective. If one of the one direction members gets a girlfriend there is hate. If one of them has some fun at a bar or something there is hate. When Zayn left, there was hate. Like IT'S HIS LIFE LET HIM DO WHAT HE WANTS. And the one direction fandom just doesn't treat one direction like real people. They can have a girlfriend if they want to. They were never going to marry you anyway so get over See More it. I know I'm going to get hate for this and let me just say that that is exactly another reason why I can't stand the one direction fandom.
on August 27, 2015

magicalmonique asked a question
What Kind of Car Do You Want? I'm almost old enough to get my license and my parents ar...
on August 23, 2015

Okay so I don't want to sound annoying like I'm advertising for myself or something but I thought since this is a 5SOS page I would tell you guys that I made a quiz a few weeks ago on which guy from 5SOS is your soulmate so if you're interested it's on my wall.
on August 19, 2015

Have you gone to one of their shows on their ROWYSO tour? I went to the one in Irvine:)
on August 19, 2015

created a

How Well Do You Know the Movie 50 First Dates?
on August 19, 2015

created a

What School Label Are You? (Girls & Boys)
on August 10, 2015