Look what personality I've got! What about you?

I got C
on August 06, 2013
on July 30, 2013

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lesbogal isn't done she said she has an army!!!!!!! She's still mean aw man new somthin fisheys goin on!!!

AHH may day may day hurry guys move move move please she won't get away with this
on July 30, 2013
on July 26, 2013

Greeting peepoles I hate when feast tells me to write somthing

I know it's been awhile. I hope Spike does come back. I know what it feels like, a renegade like figure, trying to fit in and feel comfortable. I remember you signed up for membership on my page and I went to look at your profile. Spike, chin up! And be proud. You can always be what you want to be! And being a great person is a potential for you!
on December 03, 2013
on July 25, 2013


RainbowzMurderYou Is a serious threat everyone D: Read her wall and OMG She's trying to destroy the RBR's!!!!!!!! D:
on July 26, 2013
on July 25, 2013

Ur 11? Can I tell u a secret? Im only 10

i dont either? for the end of year test in florida we take fcat but next year we have to take park and ya im 11 im in 6th grade lol
on September 29, 2013
on July 23, 2013

I waswatching animal planet and this show they catch aligators they said don't try this at home and I was like does it look like I live in the middle of a jungle
on July 22, 2013

I accepted you onto the Cyber Board Page

on July 20, 2013
on July 20, 2013

You are the second member of Bones Lovers (And when you say "that brunette who is really friendly", did you mean Angela?)

on July 17, 2013
on July 17, 2013

on July 17, 2013

on July 17, 2013

What is wrong with you!!!!!???? o.O you've reading every single one of my books your creepy I mean ur scaring me.... How old are you im 13

on July 16, 2013
on July 16, 2013
hey can you help me tell fluttershy3536's followers that Fluttershy_Pegasisiter3536 is her new account
on July 15, 2013
on July 15, 2013