Spike, Come Back!
Were you Spike's friend? If you weren't, if all you did was hate her and pick on her for no reason whatsoever, go away! I've made this page to see how many friends/members we can get to prove to Spike hwo mnay fabulous caring freinds she has :) So leave a message if you must, dedicated to Spike, but no nasty messages; if you are Spike's friend, act like it.. So please request a membership and you'll be accepted :)

Greeting peepoles I hate when feast tells me to write somthing

I know it's been awhile. I hope Spike does come back. I know what it feels like, a renegade like figure, trying to fit in and feel comfortable. I remember you signed up for membership on my page and I went to look at your profile. Spike, chin up! And be proud. You can always be what you want to be! And being a great person is a potential for you!
on December 03, 2013
on July 25, 2013

on August 15, 2013
on July 15, 2013
on July 15, 2013

Spike is da bomb oh wait thats ME!!!!!!!!!!
on May 21, 2013

Who agrees that if Spike quits, then we will all quit? :'(
on May 11, 2013

Spike is a really fun and cool friend! She's always there to talk to you and mess about. She is a true friend. Please come back Spike! We don't want you to go!
on June 15, 2013
*hugs* but pretty much i have been with spike since he was born (jk that was only on mlp show
on May 14, 2013
on May 11, 2013