oh dear i am very late but my 11 year qfeast anniversary was the ninth ^_^u !!
on November 22, 2023

this is confusing cuz some of these ‘correct’ answers are wrong? unless this quiz combined the womens ucl and mens ucl and didn’t specify which is which ?

bc it says the correct answer for current title holder is chelsea but that’s only true for the womens ucl. the mens ucl holder is currently man city but that wasn’t an option. (did you guys know i have autism)
on October 19, 2023
on October 19, 2023

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was lesbianism
on August 21, 2023

some of the art imade in the past few months . The stella&brandon one and the messi one are my favorites
on July 21, 2023