Hi thanks for adding your opinion on movies you want.. Sorry if I seem rude but if you look at the date it was before Equestria girls was out (in my part if the world anyway):D
on April 28, 2014

kidboy added a new chapter to The Special
The Melting Chamber
I was strapped up to a machine it was big with an laser.
"Am I gonna live?" I asked.
"Oh, you will live alright," replied Good Cop.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as the machine started working. Suddenly the same girl I saw at the construction site was there trying to stop it.
"Sir, this way." she said leading me out. She got in the alley and a trash can fell on my head.
"Great idea," she spoke, "We can build a motercycle out of the alley," She started building a mo... Read Full Chapter
"Am I gonna live?" I asked.
"Oh, you will live alright," replied Good Cop.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as the machine started working. Suddenly the same girl I saw at the construction site was there trying to stop it.
"Sir, this way." she said leading me out. She got in the alley and a trash can fell on my head.
"Great idea," she spoke, "We can build a motercycle out of the alley," She started building a mo... Read Full Chapter
on March 23, 2014

Why is chocolate your background?
on March 23, 2014

kidboy added a new chapter to The Special
Isn't There Also Supposed To Be A Good Cop?
When I woke up I was sitting behind a desk strapped to a chair. "Good morning apartment?" Suddenly I saw a police officer. "How did you get the piece of resistance?" He spoke.
"The piece of what?" I replied.
"Aren't you the special?"
"Only if I knew what that was."
"So you've never heard of the prophecy"
"No, I er?"
"So you're not the special?"
"No, I'm just a regular normal guy, my friends are probably waiting for me 'Where's Emmet?' 'Wheres My Best Friend Emmet?"' I told him.
"Oh really...... Read Full Chapter
"The piece of what?" I replied.
"Aren't you the special?"
"Only if I knew what that was."
"So you've never heard of the prophecy"
"No, I er?"
"So you're not the special?"
"No, I'm just a regular normal guy, my friends are probably waiting for me 'Where's Emmet?' 'Wheres My Best Friend Emmet?"' I told him.
"Oh really...... Read Full Chapter
on March 01, 2014

Hey everybody! Are you enjoying My Talking Tom?:-c
on March 01, 2014

Emmet: Introducing The Double Decker Couch! Now everyone can watch T.V together and be buddys!
Lucy: That literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Vitruvius: Please Wyldstle let me handle this, That is AWESOME!
Lucy: That literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Vitruvius: Please Wyldstle let me handle this, That is AWESOME!
on March 01, 2014

Hey all Mini Kids! I will be rarely on QFeast because I have other stuff to deal with. But when I am on I will create a poll or whatever!B):((
on February 18, 2014

Sometimes I use my tablet to go on here because I cant use my netbook, does anyone have a back up computer?
on February 02, 2014

kidboy asked a question

Do puppets scare you? Someone at my Puppet Pals Page said that puppets scare him. What ...
on January 16, 2014