katykitten asked a question

i really need a good anime to watch can i have a list please and a descricption about t...
on January 14, 2014

bleach xxxx:D

Ruka is russian for hand, so when i first read it I was like *sprays water*
on July 26, 2014

amzing xx
on February 11, 2014

yup bleach is good :D rukiaaaaa
on January 03, 2014
on December 17, 2013

heyy Gurl!! xx
on November 22, 2013

katykitten asked a question

can anyone tell me about some good anime to watch i need to find a good anime to watch ...
on October 22, 2013

katykitten asked a question

does anyone know about any of the new animes that are coming out this year? looking for...
on October 10, 2013

katykitten asked a question

what anime have any of you guys watched thats got vampires and comedy and romance plz a...
on July 05, 2013

Hi! I just wanted to say I thought I was the only one here that knew Rozen Maiden, Now I'm happy!!!:):D:):D

I figured out a few days ago. When I didn't know they had it every day I would check again and again.
on July 02, 2013

aww cool im happy too somone likes it did you kno that the new season is coming out now xxxxx
on July 02, 2013
on June 18, 2013

can any of you guys upload pics you have drawn plz and i will rate them xxx

on July 02, 2013
on June 04, 2013