concert list update
-def seeing crywank
-like 99% sure i’m seeing csh
-possibly seeing black midi
-seeing mustard service when they tour the midwest next spring
-def seeing crywank
-like 99% sure i’m seeing csh
-possibly seeing black midi
-seeing mustard service when they tour the midwest next spring
on August 26, 2022

someone came at me for supposedly being racist because i listen to the smiths and have a morrissey profile picture and i clicked their acc and the fifth video on their page is them lip syncing to heaven knows i’m miserable i hate chronically online bitches
on August 25, 2022

i like character developed but the other way like before it was always “ur so manipulative” “i’m so sorry” to “ur so manipulative” “ok sorry u feel that way but”
on August 25, 2022

a couple weeks ago i tweeted smith ab how romantic it would be to get in a car crash w my lover in the passenger seat while there is a light that never goes out is on and i literally just almost fuckking wrecked while that song way playing

on August 24, 2022
on August 24, 2022

damn. made a joke about going to a car seat headrest concert and now i’m actually going to one. manifestation is real
on August 23, 2022

new chapter posted.
rex’s family secret gets revealed! (they sure make mad bank for a family of sailors)
rex’s family secret gets revealed! (they sure make mad bank for a family of sailors)
on August 23, 2022

identikit added a new chapter to high society !
rex has a hot mom and the coolest grandpa ever
it was quite the special day in ballstown; the sky was clear and bright, and the air not cold, nor unbearably hot. the boys were going to be meeting up at rex’s place. they’d actually never been to his house, or even met his parents, so they weren’t really sure what to expect. zee, mitch, and d-ray were walking there together.
“so, do you think rex gets it from his mom or his dad?” d-ray said with a smirk. zee raised his thick eyebrows. “gets what?”
“his… yknow. inability to get bitches.”
... Read Full Chapter
“so, do you think rex gets it from his mom or his dad?” d-ray said with a smirk. zee raised his thick eyebrows. “gets what?”
“his… yknow. inability to get bitches.”
... Read Full Chapter
on August 23, 2022

update csh concert is NOT 21+ so i’m going probably
on August 23, 2022

if i get my instagram account deleted AGAIN i will literally kms on livestream man wtf did i even do
on August 23, 2022

possibly seeing both crywank and car seat headrest in the span of a week. i’m going to piss and ahit my pants.
on August 21, 2022

on August 21, 2022

high society wardrobes tbh
-has various different pins that he often switches out
-pants are usually baggy on him
-many variations of “i <3” shirts (i <3 hot moms, i <3 manipulation, i <3 boobs, etc etc)
-scruffed up black leather docs
-usually covered in bandaids See More
-keeps condoms and cigarettes in jacket pockets
-wears sunglasses a lot, usually to hide black eyes
-almost always wears the same purple hoodie. it’s oversized (because he is tiny), and it says “BALLSTOWN” in white letters across the front, with a minimalist logo that looks like a ballsack
-black platform converse, he tries to look a little taller
-light blue, straight legged, cuffed jeans
-later in the series he starts wearing a familiar black knit cap
-thick wire framed glasses, he cannot see well at all.
-everything is too big for him
-all tags are immediately cut off
-wears exclusively long sleeves, no matter how hot the weather is
-he’s tall and super skinny so his pants are always too loose
-lots of sweaters, sometimes sweater vests.
-overall dresses very different from the average american public school student.
-incredibly picky about what he wears, especially the type of fabric. won’t wear it if it’s too clingy, too scratchy, or too thin.
mitch: jeans made of thick denim, genuine flannel shirts, tough work boots. dresses like a lumberjack
-he wears a wifebeater under his flannel. sometimes in hotter months, he takes off the flannel and ties it round his waist
-when it’s cold, wears a black leather jacket over the usual flannel
-overall probably the simplest fashion sense. doesn’t really care what he looks like as long as it’s practical
-has various different pins that he often switches out
-pants are usually baggy on him
-many variations of “i <3” shirts (i <3 hot moms, i <3 manipulation, i <3 boobs, etc etc)
-scruffed up black leather docs
-usually covered in bandaids See More
-keeps condoms and cigarettes in jacket pockets
-wears sunglasses a lot, usually to hide black eyes
-almost always wears the same purple hoodie. it’s oversized (because he is tiny), and it says “BALLSTOWN” in white letters across the front, with a minimalist logo that looks like a ballsack
-black platform converse, he tries to look a little taller
-light blue, straight legged, cuffed jeans
-later in the series he starts wearing a familiar black knit cap
-thick wire framed glasses, he cannot see well at all.
-everything is too big for him
-all tags are immediately cut off
-wears exclusively long sleeves, no matter how hot the weather is
-he’s tall and super skinny so his pants are always too loose
-lots of sweaters, sometimes sweater vests.
-overall dresses very different from the average american public school student.
-incredibly picky about what he wears, especially the type of fabric. won’t wear it if it’s too clingy, too scratchy, or too thin.
mitch: jeans made of thick denim, genuine flannel shirts, tough work boots. dresses like a lumberjack
-he wears a wifebeater under his flannel. sometimes in hotter months, he takes off the flannel and ties it round his waist
-when it’s cold, wears a black leather jacket over the usual flannel
-overall probably the simplest fashion sense. doesn’t really care what he looks like as long as it’s practical
on August 21, 2022

on August 19, 2022

spoilers but not explicit
d-ray’s redemption arc is like… “ok ur a slightly better person but you also did something extremely illegal”
d-ray’s redemption arc is like… “ok ur a slightly better person but you also did something extremely illegal”

also what he does. completely derails the story and honestly i have no idea how to continue afterwards bc it’s gonna cause issues
on August 19, 2022
on August 19, 2022

d-ray’s existence is so funny to me because he would totally hate crime everyone on here who loves him sm

qfeet: d-ray is so skrunkly d-ray: ur fat ur gay kys i have your op address and i slept with your mom
on August 19, 2022
on August 19, 2022
- saw and met crywank
-had csh tickets but will got sick
-saw black midi
-mustard service hasn’t toured yet