
@fuckshanked no creepo go away
on June 22, 2023
Kendall jenner?
on June 22, 2023
on June 22, 2023

on June 22, 2023

on June 22, 2023

i decided i’m gonna stop talking to my mom unless absolutely necessary. idk i don’t wanna say she’s abusive bc that sounds too bad but the fact that she told my grandma she wants to physically harm me bc i don’t like it when i try to vent to her and she randomly starts talking ab her dead siblings
on June 22, 2023

identikit uploaded a photo
deleting soon but this is me rn i cut my hair off and idk if i like it or hate it

on June 22, 2023

my love life is sooo messy rn LMAO ive been doing this weird non monogamy thing where i j talk to people and see how it goes but there’s no commitment or anything plus like im super hard to REALLY pull but currently i’m still into my hs dude (we’d prob be together if we could) and also i started talking to this one person my friend’s in a band with AND im kinda into my best friend which is ? bc i don’t wanna make things weird
on June 22, 2023

adhd is so weird why do i have the most random set of hyperfixatioms
on June 22, 2023

i love how a certain group of qfeasters 1. got pissed off at me “suibating” when i literally tried to kms and 2. were more upset about me telling literal pedos to die than they were ab the pedos themselves. weird as hell how nobody talks ab that bc…
on June 22, 2023

my mom is tagging me in memes on facebook as if a few hours ago i didn’t get a message she meant to send to my grandma about how much she wants to beat me #slay
on June 22, 2023

im so scared to release music nkt bc i think my material is bad but bc it’s personal and it’s about people and idk i feel like people don’t want 500 songs about my weird love life, how much i hate my hometown, and being groomed
on June 21, 2023

my latest bedtime ritual is getting mildly high and watching moomins and i did that earlier n i bit into a peanut butter cup with the paper still on. unpleasant

the getting violently high and watching moomins ritual is what inspired snufkin bong rip pfp fun fact
on June 21, 2023
on June 21, 2023

few more life updates !!!
-i cut my hair short ish again after promising myself to grow it out
-i got 2 new plants
-planning on my second tattoo soon. not sure what. prob either geese, plants, or a kafka drawing
-also me and my other friend group discussed matching tats a few months ago n i think im gonna bring that up again (my only tattoo atm is an elliott smith one and we didn’t really do it on purpose but me n my high school friend got the same one and it’s funny)
-there’s See More a raccoon outside my window as i’m typing this ????
-getting a bike
-gonna save money to travel
-i cut my hair short ish again after promising myself to grow it out
-i got 2 new plants
-planning on my second tattoo soon. not sure what. prob either geese, plants, or a kafka drawing
-also me and my other friend group discussed matching tats a few months ago n i think im gonna bring that up again (my only tattoo atm is an elliott smith one and we didn’t really do it on purpose but me n my high school friend got the same one and it’s funny)
-there’s See More a raccoon outside my window as i’m typing this ????
-getting a bike
-gonna save money to travel
on June 21, 2023

idc if they’re “weird” if it’s not something that’s actively hateful or otherwise harmful to society i will never. make fun of anybody’s hyperfixatioms. that shit’s wrong. i have adhd and i tend to hyperfixate on things bc of that and i HATE when its something a little bit silly or unusual and people laugh ab it idk its not hurting anyone to just let people like what they like

yk what i feel like we shouldn’t make fun of anyone for things they can’t control unless they deserve it for a legitimate reason and not j because it’s different.
on June 21, 2023
on June 21, 2023

mixed feelings ab the joan of arc trend on tiktok. on one hand i like gatekeeping the smiths from annoying tiktok fans but on the other i am a 19 year old girl with bangs and delusions and i do in fact know how joan of arc felt. she gets it.

on the topic of JOA i genuinely hate (as a non-catholic) how people dismiss her visions as delusions and believe in male prophets. they were all delulu most likely, nobody knew much anything ab schizophrenia then
on June 21, 2023
on June 21, 2023

i could forgive and forget but i won’t because i think i deserve an apology from all the fake mfs who left me at my lowest. specifically the one who got pissed off at me and sent me death threats on a burner account. we all know who they are and truly i hope they know they’re a cuntt as well
on June 21, 2023

snufkin’s voice in the english dub of the 90s cartoon is so funny why does he sound like that i love it

the one scene where his sister’s trying to make him jealous of her ring is so funny “it’s nice? if i close my eyes i can still see it. ? what a beautiful ring?” he sounds so passive aggressive mymble please just let the man fish
on June 21, 2023
on June 21, 2023

new boygenius fans r just a little?they’re an amazing band and deserve the recognition tenfold but so many of them are just phoebe fans and don’t even acknowledge the other members. also so many of them r really weird about julien, like they straight up sexualize her + infantilize her because she’s a small queer woman and most of the people doing it clearly don’t listen to her solo stuff. its EMBARRASSING, the other day i saw someone on tiktok literally crying because julien could See More hypothetically have a headache and it was so icky. julien has been so open about her struggles with addiction and depression and suicidal tendencies yet people are worried about her maybe having a headache. cmon. this is the woman who wrote go home.

also so many people completely overlook lucy bc she’s not petite and skinny like the others and it’s so obvious.
on June 20, 2023
on June 20, 2023