list of things i currently like idk
-plants!!! i have SO many houseplants rn lol
-music ofc, always. in a band now
-reading, lately i’ve read a lot of kafka, nabokov, and mary oliver
-pinterest. i have so many boards
-language!!! still studying dutch lol i made another friend who speaks it and i practice w her a lot. looking into trying german next
-nerdy and slightly embarrassing but i still play chess
-plants!!! i have SO many houseplants rn lol
-music ofc, always. in a band now
-reading, lately i’ve read a lot of kafka, nabokov, and mary oliver
-pinterest. i have so many boards
-language!!! still studying dutch lol i made another friend who speaks it and i practice w her a lot. looking into trying german next
-nerdy and slightly embarrassing but i still play chess

acc mayy start learning russian i don’t particularly care for russia politically but i started talking to someone and they’re russian and real cool
on June 09, 2023
on June 09, 2023

looking back yea we should not have been pornposting on qfart the pictures were funny but yikes ?
on June 09, 2023

sorry for lolitaposting ahain but if u defend humbert humbert Kill Yourself
1. “well he didn’t know he was in the wrong” Yes. yes he did. he knew, he did it anyways, and he didn’t feel bad about it.
2. “dolores initiated it” she was a child.
1. “well he didn’t know he was in the wrong” Yes. yes he did. he knew, he did it anyways, and he didn’t feel bad about it.
2. “dolores initiated it” she was a child.

Rightttt like he’s a grown man ? his actions of running away with her proves that he knows damn well he’s in the wrong
on June 08, 2023

coming from someone who used to have a thing with an coach of mine when i was 14, pedos are pedos but they aren’t stupid.
on June 08, 2023
on June 08, 2023

hot take but people (specifically young girls) who fell down the alt right pipeline and RECOVERED and *don’t make excuses ab it* don’t reallly need to be “held accountable” i fell victim to it. when i was younger i got a LOT of shit for posting the shit that i did (Valid) and in truth i had no idea what i was talking about. ofc i know that shit was wrong now but idk how ur gonna say that me, at 19, is actively discriminating against marginalized groups because i parroted a bunch See More of shit i saw on 4chan and was told by weird older men online. its grooming and its a thing.
on June 08, 2023

being delusional is so funny bc like if someone acts different and i like them it’s bc they’re upset with me but if someone acts different and i don’t like them it’s bc they’re jealous immature cuntts who know i’m better than they are and are bent ab it
on June 08, 2023

why did early-ish qfeast entirely consist of young teen/adolescent girls who liked sonic and creepypasta and then like a handful of this specific genre of older teenage/ young adult boys that befriended them

I remember he once took the lyrics from a Mushroomhead song and pretended like he wrote it.
on June 08, 2023

@VinnyMcginny2112 i was friends w him when i was like 11 and looking back he was weird as hell + antisemetic
on June 08, 2023

im not saying anything against most of said boys apart from the creepy ones but idk it was like parabolic, snakeninja, benderisgreat, c*ry, and a few others idk it was weird
on June 08, 2023
on June 08, 2023

also the new glasses place didn’t have my octagon frames<\3 my new ones make me look a bit like zooey deschanel tjo
on June 07, 2023

few more small updates:
-two offers on trailer and another cash offer tomorrow hopefully. hopefully back in chi soon!!!
-once i’m back i’m goin vegetarian lol
-still songwriting, though melodically i’ve hit a wall
-saw an optician today, vision has worsened by .25 in the left eye and .50 in the right
-ive rediscovered my love for reading
-two offers on trailer and another cash offer tomorrow hopefully. hopefully back in chi soon!!!
-once i’m back i’m goin vegetarian lol
-still songwriting, though melodically i’ve hit a wall
-saw an optician today, vision has worsened by .25 in the left eye and .50 in the right
-ive rediscovered my love for reading
on June 07, 2023

if u can actually read through lolita and not be disgusted in the slightest i do not trust u
on June 05, 2023

on June 05, 2023

brew dumb bitch moment of the day: fot high, forgot i’m pollotarian, ate pepperoni pizza.
on June 05, 2023

bucket list:
1. have mind blowing sex to florence and the machine
2. kill myself
1. have mind blowing sex to florence and the machine
2. kill myself
on June 04, 2023

hot take: no books should be banned, however many should be STRICTLY age restricted. there are just so many books out there that will literally alter the chemistry of impressionable young minds. ae: lolita by nabokov. y do 14 years olds read this and act like its NOT one of the most disgusting things ever written. legit used to know a girl who always compared herself 2 dolores and started going by “dolly” because of it (dolly is a cute nickname but AFTER THAT BOOK????) (if ur See More not familiar with it lolita is a twisted **psychological horror story** about a man who kidnaps and rapes his 12 year old stepdaughter, written from the perspective of the man)

should lolita be banned? absolutely not!! when literature is consumed responsibly there isn’t an issue!! it’s a beautifully written classic novella. however, 12 year old lana del rey fans that romanticize old hollywood culture shouldn’t be allowed to read that book because they always read it like a love story which IT IS NOT BY ANY MEANS!!!!
on June 04, 2023
on June 04, 2023

yes. i am wishing ill upon you. you know who you are. you sent me death threats!!!!
on June 04, 2023