gcris12 asked a question
I don't have the courage to ask my crush out! I have liked this guy in my class, and I ...
on September 28, 2015

gcris12 asked a question
Have u had any weird dreams? I was just wandering, hav you guys had any weird dreams? I...
on September 28, 2015

This is a shoutout to my first follower #angelbliss2345??‼️ Follow her now! :D
on September 27, 2015

gcris12 asked a question
When will I get my first period? (4) Hi guys! I am 11 years old and I have almost all o...
on September 27, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What hairstyle should you have? *For girls*
on September 27, 2015

gcris12 added a question to the starred list
I have a big butt and big thights?!? Ok you're probably thinking, 'ugh , the same quest...
on September 26, 2015