on April 11, 2020

how long do my arms need to be to punch the moon
on March 17, 2020

who wants to help me absolutely fuᴄking demolish the moon
on March 17, 2020

on March 17, 2020

fly me to the moon
and let me kick it’s fuᴄking ass
let me show it what i learned
in moon jitsu class
and let me kick it’s fuᴄking ass
let me show it what i learned
in moon jitsu class
on March 17, 2020

fuᴄk the moon

Damn moon making the tides all weird
Stupid moon can't even produce it's own light, it steals from the sun
Stupid moon can't even produce it's own light, it steals from the sun
on March 17, 2020
on March 17, 2020