The leader decides the fate of their clan and always has authority above the clan, they hold big responsibilities and must lead their clan through every right corner. The leader must earn respect of their clan mates or else a riot may start. The leader is organized, high and intelligent.
Your always clear and open to your feelings so others feel comfortable around you. Your quite an independent person, white spirits resemble 'free' spirits and you always feel free to do what you want (as long that is within your boundary).
You are always happy and wear bright coloured clothes a lot. You tend to be loud sometimes, and sometimes you're really quiet. But you have the best times when you're with your friends. :)
You are Elsa the Snow Queen. You are elegant and cold. You live in Arendelle with your younger sister, Anna. You are neutral but later good. Your goal is to become the Snow Queen of Arendelle, then hide herself from people who know of her powers. You wear a light blue strapless dress and a see-through cape.
You are Jack Frost. A man who likes to have fun even in some bad times. He gives kids snow days and starts snowball fights. He became Jack Frost one day when he was skating on a pond with his little sister. He managed to save her, but he fell through.
You have completely pushed away your friends and family. You have checked out and are in your own little world. Rather than hanging out with friends on the weekends, you spend your time indoors, alone. Little conversation goes on with your family, they try to talk, but you refuse. To get out of this rut, just try inviting some friends out to eat or to a movie! It always helps to get out of the house!