How isolated are you? Find out if you are isolating yourself from your friends and family like Frankenstein. brenna11 published on April 12, 2013 Stacked 1/10 You're favorite hobby is... Gossiping and going to parties with my friends Listening to music alone in your room Walking your dog 2/10 What clubs are you involved in at school? They're clubs at school? None Student council, Interact, Orchestra, and sports 3/10 Group projects are... My favorite, they're so fun! Horrible, I dread them. They're ok if I find a good partner 4/10 Seeing your friends at school is... It's okay, I don't really talk to them that much Great! I get to gossip all day! It's horrible, I don't talk to anyone. 5/10 Your family is.... Fun to hang out with Boring Horrible, I hate them 6/10 On the weekends, you typically... Hangout with friends Spend the night alone in your room Do homework 7/10 Your teacher tells you to get a partner, you instantly go to... Your best friend of course! You look around and find someone without a partner You're the only one without a partner 8/10 You're favorite song right now is... I don't listen to music Whatever I hear on the radio when I listen which is not often Anything by my favorite singer 9/10 The most recent person you texted was... No one. My mom. My best friend. 10/10 The last text you received said... Want to hang out this weekend? What do you want for dinner? I don't text