Dear everyone who has messaged me:
My PMs aren't working bc Qfeast sucks
My PMs aren't working bc Qfeast sucks
on March 21, 2018


I just realized who you are and
It’s me
Forever_Great_Bohemian_Rhaspody See More
Ow the edge
It’s me
Forever_Great_Bohemian_Rhaspody See More
Ow the edge
on March 19, 2018
on March 19, 2018

i have no way to message/contact you @DaNerdBird @Gay.Irish.boi.Phoenix but if you see this notification pls comment on this post so we can talk

Oml uoy guys hi
This is Sara/Jasmine/Taylor/vive_la_revolution. I was locked out of my account and also my backup account so here I am
This is Sara/Jasmine/Taylor/vive_la_revolution. I was locked out of my account and also my backup account so here I am
on March 15, 2018
on March 15, 2018

imma just re.write my story snap to blow off some steam and wait for the confirmation email to maybe hopefully eventually show up
on March 15, 2018

like what the hell. this account is USELESS to me if it won't actually let me message people uuugggggg
on March 15, 2018

im so mad!!!! god all I wanna do is send messages to a bunch of people but I CANT bc qfeast wont send the frikkin confirmation email.
to my single follower: I am Jasmine.
to my single follower: I am Jasmine.
on March 15, 2018

I'mma switch back and forth between profile pics depending on my gender, I think
on March 15, 2018
Do you have Google hangouts?