dark_century added a new chapter to ben's little glich

your pov
once we got inside she introduced me to the creepypastas that where there.
~~~time skip 'cause I can~~~
my pov
"ok now I think we need to go to bed come on (y/n) (your name ) "
and in the middle of the night I snuck out to a date on the roof with Jeff. I got back late "hidden-chan. " 'damn it she heard me I'll just go sleep with Ben my botherly figure. Read Full Chapter
once we got inside she introduced me to the creepypastas that where there.
~~~time skip 'cause I can~~~
my pov
"ok now I think we need to go to bed come on (y/n) (your name ) "
and in the middle of the night I snuck out to a date on the roof with Jeff. I got back late "hidden-chan. " 'damn it she heard me I'll just go sleep with Ben my botherly figure. Read Full Chapter
on April 04, 2014

offender : so dark wanted me to let you know I am takeing over her account. me:*tied up * offender: I'll be back with tea. me:*busts out * now to tell the truth offender was trying to piss me off. now the news is do you think I should date Jeff or L.J. whoever gets the most votes will win
on April 03, 2014

god damn shadow link y do yo have to be so sexy DAMN offender : I'm the only smexy one here ! can it shit stain
on April 03, 2014


That's alright, I wanna be a derp dgtydffxcvfdsdfgtertthjjmczxcdsacvcjhfsxasewehghjgfxddfsag
on April 08, 2014

on April 04, 2014
on April 01, 2014

you have to be on a tablet or a computer click on username you can only change it once enter your current password and you have a new username !
on March 31, 2014

dark_century added a question to the starred list
Who Let The Smile Dogs Out? Lol... I don't know... Who let the dogs out? Or... Who let ...
on March 30, 2014