chana created a poll
Are you afraid of needles or shots?
on October 21, 2017
chana asked a question
Would you rather be homeless and a lot of family and friends or be rich and have no fam...
on December 09, 2016
Sorry for not being on q feast sooner :p

on March 18, 2016
on March 18, 2016
chana asked a question
what is your favorite holiday ?
on December 15, 2015
chana created a poll
yellow minions or purple minions
on December 06, 2015
chana created a poll
what food do you prefer?
on December 06, 2015
That makes me feel good about myself and I didnt pick ones that make me beautiful I picked the ones that are true
on October 27, 2015
chana asked a question
What's your favorite superhero?
on September 27, 2015
chana created a poll
who is your fave super hero ?
on September 09, 2015