are you a royal or a rebel? ever after high Have you wondered? Taken quizzes and still not known? Want to know for sure? Take this quiz to find out if you are a royal or a rebel! CeriseAlysse16 published on January 10, 2015 Stacked 1/9 Fave class? Princessology Home Hexonomics Magicology 2/9 Best friends? Apple White, Blondie Locks, Bopper Croakington or Daring Charming Raven Queen, Cerise Hood, Maddie Hatter or Hunter Huntsman C.A. Cupid, Ashlynn Ella, Briar Beauty or Dexter Charming 3/9 who are you most like? Apple white Daring Charming Raven Queen Cerise Hood Maddie Hatter Hopper Croakington Briar Beauty Dexter Charming 4/9 What is your hair like? Long and Blonde! Short and dyed Medium and Brown Purple, Black, or white Dark Brown Natural base color with pink streaks in it Red 5/9 Whose thronecoming outfit would you wear? Apple's or Briar's Raven' s or Cerise's Cedar' s or Cupid' s Daring's Hunter's Dexter's 6/9 What do you believe you are? Leader, creative, and cool Kind, loving, and loved Friendly, kind, and known 7/9 What do you think you'll get? Royal Rebel Idk... That's why I'm taking this. 8/9 We're these questions fun? Yes! I thought so! Eh, it was alright. Ahuh :) 9/9 Let Fate Decide: ^_^ ·_· >_<