carolinagirl1029 added a story to the favorite list
The Beauty And The Beast: Middle School Story
on July 13, 2014

ok so you can join mine by clicking the created pages thing on my wall and ask subscribe and ask to be a member

on July 07, 2014
on July 07, 2014

Happy 4th of july! :D<3:)
on July 05, 2014

Help, I need some friendship advice!
Okay, so I have this friend who can be AWESOME, but at other times she's just really mean. It's like there's two different sides to her! When she's nice, she's super cool and we get along well, but she can be mean and it just makes me feel bad. She just insults me. :( I honestly want to be her friend, but when the mean side of her comes out it really makes me question our friendship. Sometimes we'll get along great and we have tons of private jokes and she's awesome, but other times she just thinks I'm weird. Is there anything I could do or say to make things better? I just need help, and I want her to be a better friend. She's really a great person, what can I do to help our friendship?

Well, I have had a friend like that and, this isn't meant to make you feel bad but, we just stopped talking, even if she lives across the street from me. She never comes out, never talks to anyone in our neighborhood, she is basically a hermit in mine and my best friend's eyes. We don't know why she does that but she does. The point of all of that was this: She See More may not be worth the pain. No matter how much it may hurt you to hear that, it very possibly could be the reality of your problem. You could ask her why she insults you or, if you are shy like me, just give her time to cool off and see if she comes around. Hope this helped!:)
on June 30, 2014
on June 28, 2014

U following me?
on June 27, 2014

tanks 4 following me:D
on June 26, 2014

carolinagirl1029 asked a question
How do I tell them they took it the wrong way? Two of my friends like me. I told them b...
on June 25, 2014

I love gummybears, thunderstorms and everything in between. (Except bad things.):D
on June 24, 2014