What Hair Color Do You Have?

What Hair Color Do You Have?

I must admit I have been told that I have magical powers. I might doubt that but anyhow I'm gonna try to find out what your hair color is?

published on June 12, 2013

Shopping for you includes:

Shopping for you includes:
Sunglasses and Chic Designer Outfits
Belts and Summer Hats
Whatever my mom wants
Crazy Outfits That Don't Match
Leggings and a new Phone

Shoee, shoee da bop! What kinda shoe are you?

Shoee, shoee da bop! What kinda shoe are you?
I'm sneaks till they worn out!
I can wear any shoe as long as it's sparkly and alive with color
Wedges and Toe- Showin
High Heels Galore!!!

Text Mode?(very confusing)

Text Mode?(very confusing)
Hi, I'm coming over for the party so that the 2 of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over for the party so that the two of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over 4 the party so that the two of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over 4 the party so that the 2 of us can chat

I just created a Graphix Comic! Will you make one?

I just created a Graphix Comic! Will you make one?
Sure, why not?
Ummm, I'll find something more exciting!
Gurrrrl! I don't dooo comics.
I wouldn't mind doing a comic, just wait.
Well, my agenda's really busy right now.

Personality Checkkk?

I'm really flighty and sweeet!
I can be a diva at times!
I'm crazy and bright!
I'm plain and just average!
I can be normal and fancy!