What Hair Color Do You Have?

What Hair Color Do You Have?

I must admit I have been told that I have magical powers. I might doubt that but anyhow I'm gonna try to find out what your hair color is?

published on June 12, 2013

I just created a Graphix Comic! Will you make one?

I just created a Graphix Comic! Will you make one?
Sure, why not?
Ummm, I'll find something more exciting!
Gurrrrl! I don't dooo comics.
I wouldn't mind doing a comic, just wait.
Well, my agenda's really busy right now.

Shoee, shoee da bop! What kinda shoe are you?

Shoee, shoee da bop! What kinda shoe are you?
I'm sneaks till they worn out!
I can wear any shoe as long as it's sparkly and alive with color
Wedges and Toe- Showin
High Heels Galore!!!

Shopping for you includes:

Shopping for you includes:
Sunglasses and Chic Designer Outfits
Belts and Summer Hats
Whatever my mom wants
Crazy Outfits That Don't Match
Leggings and a new Phone

Text Mode?(very confusing)

Text Mode?(very confusing)
Hi, I'm coming over for the party so that the 2 of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over for the party so that the two of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over 4 the party so that the two of us can chat
Hi, I'm coming over 4 the party so that the 2 of us can chat

Personality Checkkk?

I'm really flighty and sweeet!
I can be a diva at times!
I'm crazy and bright!
I'm plain and just average!
I can be normal and fancy!