What element are you? (10) This is a test where you find out your element. There are 5 of them. For some reason I always get the water element so... let's start! carolinagirl1029 published on June 26, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Do you keep your distance from others? Sometimes. YES! NO! If I want it, I let them know. Usually, unless I know and trust them. NO! I love being around people. 2/5 Do you like being the center of attention? Not always. No, it makes me nervous. Only if I get my way. Not really, unless it makes someone else happy. YES! 3/5 Will you f011ow me? Maybe. I'll think about it. NO! I don't feel like it. Probably. YES! 4/5 Are you easygoing? Yes. Yes, I only want to please people and be on my way. NO! Sometimes, if it's something I really want probably not. YES! 5/5 Do you like animals? Yes! Only water creatures. Only fantasy creatures, such as dragons. Only air creatures. Not my favorite.