captainqwerty's Questions
captainqwerty asked 20 questions

Why are you guys so nice to me? All i do is talk to you guys, i don't have as much foll...
Did @Violet change her username? i've been looking for her and questions like this are ...

Who would win in a fight? terarria or minecraft? Well the question is pretty simple so,...
who do you ship me with? (2) i keep asking people this and they keep saying pepe, so pl...
What is your minecraft skin? Just put a link to it and i shall look

What do you think of me? (if you know me, if you don't, then you know nothing...)

Pancakes or waffles? I like Waffles

if you found me sleeping on my bed what would you do? I've saw a bunch of me frends do ...
When someone with multiple personalitys threatens to kill the slf, is it considered a h...

What kind of dog do you have? If you don't have a dog then i don't realy care and you d...