caligulasAquarium0's Questions - Page 2
caligulasAquarium0 asked 37 questions
can i break ur ankles
Guys who all's mad at me So Josh locked me out of my own account and I had to reset the...
Who wants some scary facts?
Ask/Dare Me!
Are you a juggalo? i'm a juggalo so i wanted to know if y'all are
What are y'alls nicknames for me? :>
Do you wanna hear something cool OwO?
Out of curiosity, what sexuality are y'all?
Give me a voice impression and i'll attemt to do it

What video lives rent free in your head? youtube videos only pls? and i'll put mine -3-
Who's your favorite actor/ actress? Mines between Patrick Swayze and Pauly Shore
Give me a joke and I will rate it 1-10

Do you play any instruments? And if so what?

Does this boy look like Ashton Kutcher to you?

I need help peeps Okay so ima be coming out to my mom over the weekend but I don't know...

Do yall listen to Hollywood Undead?