*starts a "controlled" fire*

*starts more fire* yes fire @Rosie_rikku
on December 07, 2021

*spits on the fire* no fire
on December 07, 2021

if i burn it from the basement its burning it up not down
on December 07, 2021
on December 07, 2021

not me remembering i have a presentation to do
at least its about bowie bc music appreciation
at least its about bowie bc music appreciation
on December 07, 2021

on December 07, 2021

caligulasAquarium0 added a photo to the starred list
Behold- ✨gremlin childe me✨ my brother's in the background lol

on December 07, 2021

u3u if you wanna join
u3u if you wanna join
Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.
on December 07, 2021

my brother just told me to "be the fuckking unicorn you were meant to be"
on December 07, 2021

the cover photo (or whatever you want to call it) looks like he's cockeyed
on December 07, 2021

HM who wants me to make them a playlist
yes im doing this again
yes im doing this again
on December 06, 2021

someone in the hall just screamed penis
on December 06, 2021

tom holland and tom hollander imply the existence of a tom hollandest
on December 04, 2021

cute girl sat on my lap facing me and we got called gay

yeah some "popular" kids stared at us and one was like "mr love theyre being sExUaL make them stop" and he just smiled at us and acted like nothing happened
on December 03, 2021
on December 03, 2021

i made gloveless fingers

no- they're gloveless fingers
its like fingerless gloves, but add a little bit of spice @Rosie_rikku
its like fingerless gloves, but add a little bit of spice @Rosie_rikku
on December 03, 2021
on December 03, 2021

another update- her favorite movie is labyrinth (we listened to magic dance together) shes actually a homestuck, she likes dream smp, plays minecraft, and shes a hamilton fan

i gave her my gay pin that says straight outta the closet and she accepted my platonic proposal
on December 02, 2021
on December 02, 2021

update- her names elizabeth, uses any pronouns, excellent taste in music, likes girls, amazing style, and moved to my school from my friend's school
on December 01, 2021

hhhhh i invited the new girl to sit with me but shes cute
on December 01, 2021

lol losers i got to stay home sick
on December 01, 2021