Lean, Mean Smol Bean Machine
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Comments (15)

on October 13, 2015

on October 02, 2015

uhg, poor you :(

That's just the history section...
I'm in advanced science, language arts, and my math is intermediate level of the grade above mine (Aka graphing, ratios, and pre algebra)
I'm in advanced science, language arts, and my math is intermediate level of the grade above mine (Aka graphing, ratios, and pre algebra)

At least the Tuba players are there. So many dirty jokes in the alto sax and tuba section..
on October 02, 2015

I do alto sax, and the reeds keep falling inside of the bell. Then, I have to get them out by turning the instrument upside down...
on October 02, 2015

The only non-advanced classes I'm in are art and band, because those are my electives. (I'm joining symphonic band next year.)
The only non-advanced classes I'm in are art and band, because those are my electives. (I'm joining symphonic band next year.)
on October 02, 2015
on October 02, 2015
on October 02, 2015